
Just aksing....

100% correct. They are terrified of the kids. These kids will mostly get to vote in the next Presidential election. They are digital natives who are not so easily swayed by Cambridge Analytica and russian troll farms.

I really like how the ‘free hand of the market’ is telling the NRA go quietly into the night and the conservatives response is to legislatively blackmail against it happening.

They did their job.

You know those Keep Calm WWII signs... they were to be put up after the invasion and occupation by Germany, to keep people spirits up while the Nazis were in charge.

The Guns are certainly in Control.

I think some racists are so woefully deluded that they believe racism exclusively involves extreme, violent acts such as lynchings, genocide...

He is that too.

Juggalo’s are a Gang according to the FBI, but this Greek system, far more organised and conspiratorial, is not?

It’s pure rent-seeking.

Technically in Australia and much of America it is legal to breastfeed anywhere and an offence to interfere with a woman who is breastfeeding.

Umm. Y’all elect Judges, Sheriffs, District Attorney and in some places Coroners. There are no minimum qualifications in any of these positions because the ass-u-me-ption is that ‘the people’ will elect the best candidate and that it will prevent graft and corruption.

Yep. That dude is a hero. If a cop was willing to shoot and kill Mr Scott and then immediately lie about what happened Mr Santana had no reason to think they would not just kill him too. More and more like the mafia rather than police.


You know the spider is on the inside of the helmet glass in the next frame right?

How about a compromise. They have to put a disclaimer on their stuff “Information provided is protected by the 1st Amendment and not endorsed by the AMA”

I never used to care that much about drinking water. Whatever, when thirsty drink something.

Because the Preznit can pardon people. Lord Dampnut and Convict Arpaio may not respect the Law, but there are plenty of folks who do.

Sorry nope. No Felony conviction. No undischarged fines.