Omg! That's his vampire wife and the woman who he pretends is his wife is his daughter who is aging normally!!!
Omg! That's his vampire wife and the woman who he pretends is his wife is his daughter who is aging normally!!!
Hey, speaking of weirdo photos ... Where is his daughter in the mirror??? And who is the boy who appears in the mirror but not the photo???? Demons? Crazy camera photos? Proof of extraterrestrial life? It’s hard to say.
One of my English teachers thought it would be a swell idea to put on a very small (for our class only) production of Romeo and Juliet. Let me set the scene here: on one side of the class were the nerds, dorks and wallflowers. There was one row of people we could call “undecided” and then on the opposite side of the…
Oh but many of us do know what serial rapists look like.
He said something about her having an entourage, which everyone else who’s worked with her says she doesn’t.
Donald Trump loves kids. He’s going to be so good for kids. He’s got the best kids. and lots of them. And one in particular he wants to fuck. Sad!
Yeah I didn’t want to get into a fight with anyone, but I use a lot of Korean skincare and “whitening" is about cell renewal and hyper pigmentation spot reduction. It's an odd translation but isn't to bleach out skin per se. I don't know about other parts of the world of course. Also, lancome and other US companies…
I read it in like a 1940s, mid-Atlantic dialect. It was quite compelling.
It’s just you. You’re in an ABC family christmas movie in which you’ve switched lives with someone who only speaks Spanish (because you were rude to a Spanish speaker this morning when you passed them in the parking lot and said something moderately bad about immigrants). So now you only speak Spanish and you're going…
Don’t cry because it’s over, cry because I’m going to grey the shit out of everyone before I go.
My sides reached orbit at “first generation Fat-Lesbian”. I only hope that one day, I too will be able to find someone who will stare down assholes while I dance to songs from the 70s.
Upon hearing the news, Mike Huckabee exclaimed: “Maybe North Korea’s not so bad after all!”
What if you make eye contact, then bite down as hard as you can?
If this guy was living in urban Japan...what do you want to bet this fella had never seen actual fire in his whole life?
Sports bra, maybe?
your kin
Umm I’ll have you know that I gave birth in the beautiful Hudson River and my baby was blessed with not two, but THREE perfectly healthy feet.
It came out too dark! Breakfast is RUINED!