
What drives me up the wall is when interviewers are so unsuccessful in interrupting Kellyanne, they actually change tack and say “You know I love you, Kellyanne”. Jake Tapper did it recently, and Brian Williams (and a panel of MSNBCers) said it during the third debate when the future was still bright with an angry

A friend with terminal cancer came home with the same plan, and she spent her time surrounded by the smells and textures she loved, as well as the people who made her feel like she was surrounded by family. They brought the outdoors to her when she couldn’t go out herself - stuff like going on hikes and sending her

Coincidentally, your parents didn’t like your 9th grade boyfriend because he was disrespectful, full of himself and treated you like you were an idiot while clearly no brain trust himself.

wait i’m sorry i for real have no idea what she is trying to say right here.

Honestly, it’s what I used to do and realizing that I was using the “least time it ever took me” was an eye-opener - but I never would have realized that about myself if I hadn’t been driven completely insane by a friend who was even later than I was (and even more frequently). After a long time wondering what the

Your information about why some people are chronically late may be true. But so what.

The chronically late are generally late because they think they — their concerns, their oh-so-crucial concerns — are more important than other people’s.

Meditation helped me - try something like Headspace (the free course, you can just keep replaying it) or look up meditation groups in your area. It helps keep some of the internal voices from being quite so intrusive.

It’s a little weird, this one. I think it all depends on the contract they signed and what the context is for being asked to perform.

I was in a team-building exercise recently when we had to name something we wanted to work on, and I named this inability to let go of flaws/failures. They asked for an example and I gave one, where I’d confidently said something in front of an audience at the start of the day only to instantly realize it was wrong,

My mom gets angry at me for doing this with my childhood. I remember myself as a know-it-all, selfish brat, and a few years ago she exploded and told me that it makes her feel like I’m attacking her sweet, generous child when I refer to my childhood self that way.

The important part is that his cigarette stayed glued to his lip, unbroken, the entire time.

Hell, you’re exhausting. I’m not equating you with a Trump voter, I’m equating you with the mindset of “I was RIGHT!”, which is useless and unhelpful (but which you seem dead-set on asserting repeatedly). It’s a thing children do. It is a stupid way to conduct an argument, and as others on this post have told you,

I’m not absolving the Clinton campaign. I don’t fucking care about Sanders - he lost the primary. You don’t get to wail about alternative timelines endlessly.

The difference is that I’m talking about it in the present, while you seem fixated on how it was in the past.

It simply points out that those of us who paid attention were not even remotely surprised at the result.

People like you are dangerous. Thanks for giving us President Trump.

People don’t trust her. It’s a fact. Accept it.

When you have evidence which clearly shows her unelectability, it is a logical conclusion based on that evidence.

She was always going to lose, as evidenced by the fact that she lost.