Or it was a tree limb breaking off.
Or it was a tree limb breaking off.
To be fair, the Brits only reacted to Isaac Davis actually crossing the bridge with his militia. To be extra-fair, Davis and his men were advancing in formation and instructed not to fire, so were basically sitting ducks when the Brits opened up.
I grew up local - I genuinely never hear about the Shot unless someone is talking about Lexington. No one would’ve mustered at the bridge if it hadn’t been for the shots on the green, so I tend to give Lexington the glory.
HA! Were you Concord-Carlisle, or the Academy? My hometown apparently sides with Lexington in the great Shot Debate.
From a purely literary perspective, sure, Emerson wrote the line referring to the events at North Bridge - then again, he was born 30 years after the event AND he was related to people in Concord and would be more inclined to give the war-opening glory to Concord rather than Lexington. The phrase may have been crafted…
the “Shot Around The World” was not fired at Lexington but at nearby Concord.
This is why my husband got a vasectomy, we ain’t taking any chances.
Though, I can’t help but wonder: did they buy a pack of condoms on the way home?
Did you just not read the second half of the post at all?
Think they’ll just draw a pentacle on mine?
My cousin’s Italian grandma insisted on kissing us, the noisy, full-contact “mwwwwwah!” kind. She had it down to a science where she’d land half of her lips on your cheek, half of her lips on your lips. You’d try to get out in front of it by basically shoving your ear at her, and she’s grab onto your skull to better…
And yet in all those zombie movies, nobody’s ever trying to get to Utah.
Oh please.
“Thanks” is the appropriate response here. Instead, you came off as an ass.
They didn’t just pay for her physical image, though - they’re also using her personality, which is why I think she gets a bigger say in how that’s being packaged.
I’d draw a line between women who are paid to represent a certain image (models), and women who are being photographed as part of a larger package that includes their identity (actresses, singers, sports personalities, politicians).
Sotomayor doesn’t have a reflection in the portrait, therefore making it groundbreaking in depicting both the first female and vampire members of the court.
Is this referring to the number of people I personally injure or kill due to their incessant whining about winter and darkness?
Dear GOD enough with you summer-freaks! Fall is wonderful, winter is great, spring is acceptable though wet and summer is a fiery hellscape of loud people and bright light bouncing off of every damn surface and blistering skin.
Who the fuck thinks that article actually had anything to do with Renner being anti-feminist?