While this sounds like a great idea, the transformers, and infrastructure required make it so the solar panels never pay for themselves.
While this sounds like a great idea, the transformers, and infrastructure required make it so the solar panels never pay for themselves.
There is a podcast called the future is eclectic that everyone should watch.
No longer known as expert 5. No one recommends any fastback SUV and gets to be called an expert.
Ranger Raptor.
I have a Wrangler Rubicon now and while you’d think the bronco would be the ideal choice (don’t get me wrong i like it) i need more cargo space than my jeep has and i feel the bronco has even less. So unless there is a bronco truck coming out to battle the gladiator, the ranger raptor is effectively…
honestly... i’d enjoy the sport more if the Camry started out as a FWD Camry and some poor sap had to make it raceable with current factory offered parts....
this doesn’t actually work well.
The stall speed of this aircraft is 38mph... it’s essentially a glider with a motor... If he did this on purpose he’s an idiot. If he didn’t do this on purpose... he’s an idiot.
Isn’t there something like a $250,000 fine for doing something like this on purpose ?
So... i manage facilities for a living and while this write up is mostly true even rubbing your shoe there keeps it far enough away from being a concern for the most part.. additionally the brushes will pick up untied laces etc.
The main purpose is to keep keys from getting lodged in there.
Look at this car i made in minecraft.
That transmission is horrible.
....”Literally I have no idea. I’ve publicly called for a mandatory factory 85 35 mph limiter on all cars.”
Speed is dangerous no one should do it.
leaker leaks leak repercussions for future leaks
that post is from 2014 when... iraq wasn’t even sure who was in charge.
Maybe... just maybe.... you send someone who might enjoy a vehicle in this archetype to review it.
I mean I don’t have any barbed wire tattoos and feel my genitals are sufficient. but a incredibly powerful truck for this price seems comically fun and honestly since both a truck with this off-road capability and a…
but when the fuel cars get beat by tom bailey’s “street car”???
i came here to explain this... nailed it.