Beware... I just tried to find the old site and it has been hacked by ze russians.
Beware... I just tried to find the old site and it has been hacked by ze russians.
... read the second part...
What was the deal with that black truck? It was absolutely booking it! Then he definitely fishtails it out of that yard rather than stop to exchange papers... that’s where my sympathy for the videographer wanes. Rather than document a hit and run in progress, he chooses to focus on making Comcast look worse already,…
True... I’m kidding myself that these appeal to anyone besides the “I’ll buy it in 3 years after depreciation hits” crowd... Though as someone starting to appreciate the perks of owning a new car (no previous owner abuse to deal with) Something like this would be top of my list, even if they were asking 50k for it.
This all day. If they released it with the RS3 motor and a true 6 speed, they woulnt be able to keep them on the lots.
Ferrari Huracan. I mean, really... that nose could be plug and play. Really??
Now... to really mess with your head, in the video, are the balls turning clockwise or anticlockwise?
This is the most Montgomery Burns-ian article ever.
Wow. The first HamNo article I’ve ever agreed with!
you sound like the life of the party...
She really shouldn’t cut corners like that...
I have no idea why, but I have always loved these things! I remember seeing them in dupont registry like 15 years ago for stupid money. still cool to this day
Fate... F 8... illuminati confirmed.
that sounds pretty not awful.... for being hell and all.
I hope hell has queso.
not just a name but a globally known brand. it would be akin to excusing someone for calling Nike “nikki” when we all know it’s “nye-key”
I roll my R’s ordering a burrito. They give me extra guac.