Modern high-bypass jet engines are cool like modern hybrid cars are cool.
Speed is cool, but seeing today’s 80%+ bypass turbofan engines is like a miracle of engineering. In layman’s terms, early commercial jets shot nothing but hot air out the back, along with lots of pollution and noise. Today, almost all of the thrust comes from the engine core driving a shaft to the front of the engine…
With no proof? Do civilians usually get a rundown of the information gained in raids? We’ll literally have no idea whether or not this raid was worth it until the info found is declassified.
Right, because veterans and widows have never ever been at a SOTU address before.
Nice to see you don’t let your own political views influence your writing.
Simpler yet, both can be proven to be mental disease and physical brain ailments in most. But it’s super taboo to even go there. Which is funny, it would lead to treatment, not necessarily “turning back” but helping them also move forward and aiding their transitions if they still chose to proceed with them. Since the…
still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.
Better headline:
Because it’s fucking cool, shut up
What I learned working for the Olympics in 1996, a clipboard, radio on your belt and high visibility vest will get you access to anywhere no questions asked.
This is pretty much standard procedure for lane changes in New Jersey
Probably a full load of fresh fruits and vegetables bound for North Korea. (read: empty)
Or, you know, people could actually learn how to use the tool they bought.
Keep engineering cars to combat stupid, you’re just engineering the next level of stupid.
Well, this was a bit predictable.
As an old person I disagree. You can do all sorts of dangerous things before you are twenty in this country: fly a jet, pilot a tank, blow people up with a drone, sail the open sea solo. There is no reason to punish generations of young people because of some entitled kids are douchebags. At 24 and the guy in New…