
+ 1 auditorium full of journalists more concerned with eye makeup than fascism

“Now why you gotta call names?”

“Tent cities, eh? Go on...”

Charles Barkley And Shaq Got Each Other Steaming Mad By Yelling About Some Stupid Shit

Chuck: I don’t like jump shootin teams

Now if he had just hit a woman, the Bengals would’ve given him a 3 year $15 million deal the first day of free agency.

Sounds very very similar to a certain guy and his acolytes crying out “FAKE NEWS!”

You’re such a Tesla hater

The clerk is playing at not getting hit by a stray bullet, or accidentally escalating the situation. Don’t blame the bystanders.

It’s pretty simple. Cops WANT to bully people. They are always looking for situations where they might have an opportunity to bully another human being. And once they get out of high school they realize really quickly that there’s only one profession that allows them to make a living with only skill they have.

This cop is a true hammerhead. Seems the average cop is so scared their judgment is always impaired and being hammerheads they default to abuse of authority at the merest whiff of a provocation. Maybe starting in junior high we should start teaching our kids how to handle mentally deficient cops, we could call it ‘no

Even giving the cop the benefit of the doubt - why’s the gun out? How hard would it be to just say, “Police officer. Saw you put that in your pocket. (to cashier) did he pay for this? ... Yes? Ok, my bad” That same conversation without the gun and attitude may have been understandable since dude came in midway through

I don’t understand the police officer’s train of thought here - why would he assume for a second that the guy getting change at the cash desk would be a shoplifter? He’s obviously made a purchase otherwise why would he be getting change? Then why does he think this is a situation that requires a gun? What about this

“It would be immoral and unconscionable to return people to a country that is wracked by endemic violence and poverty, conditions created in large part by decades of U.S. policies and intervention”

Conservatives are a goddam disease on this nation, on progress and on all female citizens of this nation.

“The worst part? All the utterly incompetent one-dimensional stock characters that wandered into my house to gawk at me and feign surprise at how affordable this cheap plastic crap was...”

I think that line was partly in reference to Atlanta’s success, and given Donald Glover’s accomplishments in various endeavors—he wrote for 30 Rock, he has an hour long comedy special, he starred in the AV Club’s favorite sitcom, he’s been in several blockbuster movies, he has had multiple tours and albums and Grammy

Poor fat bearded white dude worried he’s not in charge of the world anymore.