
Driving to work and back without paying for gasoline?

These people have always been there lurking in the shadows. Trump and his assent and perceived legitimacy has simply make them feel safe enough to step out into the light. They’re been emboldened and we’re going to continue to see stories like this. Racists aren’t afraid anymore which in some ways a good thing.

The first rich white Englishman to run a 4 minute mile, anyway.

Running kills. Eat Arby’s.


Why not? If the product is never going to exist, everyone might as well say they are working on one. In fact, I am working on one. It will be powered by flying pigs.

Makes me miss Perd Hapley as the news anchor on the first season of Supergirl

Living in southwest Ohio it seems every single volunteer fire department is staffed by racists. Last fall we hit a weird tipping point when Ohio, Ohio, literally the place fleeing slaves swam a river to get to so they’d be free, had a bunch of podunk townships deciding that honoring General Lee and the confederate

By the way, Barf was on the Space Winnebago, not a plane:

I imagine it didn’t show up for the rest of the country, but here on Atlanta’s CW69 there was even a little “in memorial” card during one of the premiere’s commercial breaks. It was definitely sad to see her pass so suddenly.

Yeah, fuck you too.

I will be shocked if Ward doesn’t somehow turn up again this season. It’s tradition.

sure. ok.

:::DISCLAIMER:: Do not fall into the trap laid out here, folks. Just sigh and walk away.


opportunistic cunts have no ethnicity.

The only thing that was in danger of being hurt was your feelings.

Says the slow guy from the left hand lane.

Why hope it’s cancelled. I don’t watch it, but why not hope people who enjoy it get to continue to enjoy it? Is that one hour a week on one channel really hurting you?

Just out of curiosity and nostalgia, I’ve started watching random S1 and S2 episodes lately. (Doing the same with SW: Rebels, actually...) It’s really interesting to see those episodes with the knowledge of what’s to come. They seem so...light, and fun, in ways that they haven’t been able to do in a while. Like

*if true