
Craig James killed five hookers at SMU?

He meant to say “inconsiderate” but damn that autocorrect.

The Warriors protect Curry by not having him on the court the few times McGee and Zaza are on it. Those towering klutzes who have no control over their million dollar, NBA bodies.

Incidentally, Harvard and the Ivy League prohibit athletic scholarships.

Mike Shumann fresh off his firing for stealing that Warriors coat is seen wearing a pink shirt, sneaking in at the end of the video to rescue some sunglasses off the ground.

If only there were some good guys with guns in Georgia.

Sounds like someone just got a private prisons contract and needs bodies to fill them.

Bernie Ebbers got rid of free coffee in breakrooms when MCI/Worldcomm started to sink. He’s still in prison.

If the Dems win then the Old GOP with the characteristics you describe will return in one cycle. #Murica

Generally pulling a gun on somebody is called aggravated assault. Don’t know of the off-duty cop exception to crime. Why does he think the guy is getting change? The answer points directly at firing, however, they likely spent money training this fucker and have an investment they don’t want moving on to a different

The video look like the balls got knocked way to the right. I haven’t played since high school when cups were mandatory but aren’t catchers the most likely candidate to wear cups?

The writer didn’t say the tour would be unstoppable, he said whatever Glover does next will be unstoppable, like his grammy win, emmy win, acclaimed tv show, movie appearances and whatever else he does to shame your entitled ass who thinks only white men who do the same shit should be recognized. Instead Glover’s fame

The Veg-O-Matic looks like a good way to chop fruits and veggies up for my masticating juicer.

Then why do you work at Chuck E’ Cheese?

Please Thanos, root out and disappear those Inhumans!! It it racist to hate only a certain group of Inhumans, you know, the bad ones? I have an Inhuman friend, you know.

It will just be a table read where they tell us it was just a tv show, not real and get on with our lives. It’s not filmed in Atlanta so there’s no personal loss for me.

Using all these dark sets must save them money on something. Money aside, this show has way better writers than Inhumans — I hope Thanos totally blew up the moon and we never have to see those characters again.

Kanye just explaining that those women trapped in his basement are there voluntarily — not slaves.

Yesterday “sources said” the questions were given to Dump’s team so they (meaning Dump) must have leaked them.

I wonder when Dump will go to Fort Knox and pretend all the gold is his.