
Welcome to Jezebel comments, tedsheckler2.

Congrats to the first gay couple of Utah. Sweet justice after what Mormons did in CA.

Nope, especially because the modern concept of human rights emerged after WWII. Your premise is all rainbows and unicorns in a world whose history has largely been defined by oppression.

Is it wrong that I hope the 16 year old that gets this immediately hocks it and uses the money to pay for a tattoo?

I went to a innocent father-daughter dance when I was a Girl Scout and *that* was too much for me. I love my dad, but I don't want to date him. Ick. Ick ick.

you can't control him, but you can control you. you have to meet him half way. when you have a disagreement, if you check your own behavior and encourage him to come halfway out of his shell, because you've gone halfway in yours, maybe you can get somewhere? maybe he doesn't respond well to heated emotions. so you

I think there was a Pikachu bounce house like this...

THis reminds me of the chocolate santa that looks like a penis when unwrapped. seriously WTF. Do I just have a dirty mind? Because when I see shit like this I think "WHO THE FUCK DIDN'T THINK THIS LOOKED LIKE A VAGINA BEFORE THEY OK'D IT FOR PRODUCTION". Why couldn't it be a slit in the side with a giant window in

Good call :)
My partner is the same. His parents didn't share conflict techniques with him and he has a learned fear of conflict from past relationships. But we're working through it slowly. I've learned that it escalates a fight for me when he is quiet because I build up narratives in my own head about how he

It's good to be aware of when you are being unreasonable. Own those moments and try your hardest to be fair and balanced going forward. But to be clear, whether your fiance is intending it or not, what he is doing is called stonewalling. And it is a really unhealthy communication technique that is often lumped in

Ah, fuck, didn't realize this jeurme douche was a misogynistic, racist, evil, piece of shit smelly-ass troll. UGH WHY DO I NOT CLCK ON THEM TO SEE THEIR COMMENTING HISTORY FIRST! WHY, LONGRIDEHOMEAGAIN, WHY??? WHY DID YOU HAVE SO MUCH WIIIINEE?

Your comment is so over the top that it sounds like product of a needy douchebag who trolls the internet because he has no friends, no life, and nothing of value to offer the world.

Of course. Especially not with douchecanoes like juerme around.

Even if it was a less reliably scary area, jumping to the conclusion juerme did is the exact definition of rape culture.

I think people making accusations like that and silencing those who have experienced extreme things like this is a self fulfilling prophecy. Because you throw shit at it every time you hear it, you keep people from speaking up. Even when you say "I will give her the benefit of the doubt" you do so explicitly in order

It's so bizarre to me how an expert can post a perfectly cogent and logical explanation and people will still cling to their perspective. Thanks for your posts, even if some commenters are refusing to absorb what you are saying.

Dubelabup, I am not denying that obesity is not dangerous as it is associated with health risks, nor that it is not a problem. I am well aware of the costs of obesity, individually and societally. I have spent the last three years researching an aspect of this field in depth (using both quantitative and qualitative

thank you for sharing your expertise and knowledge on this issue. too many people come here reciting memorized talking points and have no idea the implications of what they are saying. nor do they know the history of how we are judging what is obese and how BMI plays into who is considered obese. thanks for the