
Yes. Just kidding, but maybe. It was very creepy to me but doesn't surprise me. Just taking 'daddy's little girl' a bit too far. Have the birds and the bees talk or tell her not to have sex until she's in love or whatever. But don't give her a 'I own your vagina now' ring.

Who put this picture of a spider on GT now I'm scared to go on there. Sigh, why am I so insanely crazy-afraid of spiders? Is spider PTSD a thing?

I had forgotten about the porn thing, which was a one time deal. And I thought of it because I was trying to think of the worst time he 'set me off' which I guess is a bad term to use. He does treat me amazing besides this.

Mad that he intentionally tried to hide it from me instead of asking me to watch it with him. Also at first it made me feel self conscious like I wasn't good enough

Okay because finding out he was watching porn and hiding it from me isn't allowed to set me off? Ok

I'm not trying to control him at all. It's just super unhealthy what he is doing. He's not really in a shell necessarily, he's very outgoing and 100% himself around me. He just doesn't know what to say when I get mad so he thinks that saying nothing is the best thing to do. It's not because I think he doesn't care

I totally get the building up narratives in your head part, I'd do the same thing. I think it's a great idea to move on to something else though! Maybe I will hop on GT until he can form a response he thinks is aduequate. It is so super hard having a SO that is non confrontational, but I think it's definitely possible

I know he doesn't do it on purpose, but I think that makes it harder to change. His parents never ever seriously not once, fought in front of him. So he doesn't know what to do when I get mad. He thinks if he says something then ill get more mad. I am definitely getting better about freaking out over nothing, I have

See this really worries me, my fiancé always lets me get what I want, does what I ask him, treats me like the frickin queen. But when we 'fight' (which is always just me being a brat about something out of his control) he gets silent. He literally won't talk or say a word when I'm mad or raise my voice. A lot of the

Your racist opinion, you mean? Go back to 4chan little white boy (little wasn't referring to your age or height if you know what I mean)

Seriously, the fuck? Who are you to call this woman a liar, why the fuck would she make this up? Not to mention, things like what she said happen ALL. THE. TIME. On buses and trains here in Cleveland. A woman by herself on a bus or train at night is undoubtedly going to be harassed. Sadly, that's how it is.

She is so badass

You are amazing and thank you for this

You're such a fucking idiot, sorry but shit you read in magazines and bullshit articles are not 'scientific facts'. Also obesity is not always or usually a 'choice' that people get to make as it is hereditary in many cases. You are most definitely fat phobic and I feel so sorry for you,

115 people didn't even vote for Winston, I think that says something. There's a difference between 'guy accused of rape with zero evidence' and 'guy accused of rape WITH actual evidence'

You should not be awarded the Heisman if you're even accused of rape at all. Not to mention, there were better players up for the award that were robbed.

Because he wasn't charged (thanks to shit police work) he's automatically innocent? Good logic bro

Link with evidence that woman's friend called bullshit, please.

I think that people that find Adam Levine attractive generally are a bad judge of character. If Ryan Gosling had a shitty asshole personality and dated people for their looks I'd think he was ugly as well. (Good thing he's perfect)

Ugh yes, colors did make me crazy at first. Our colors are mint and white, I picked white because its so easy.. everything comes in white. But then we get to mint, there are 356739 different color interpretations of what mint is. Since some are more green than blue and others just look blue.. We decided to include all