
Old white chick who lives here in Houston too. When I went to vote today, the old dude at the front door told me where the GOP room was but not the Dem room. I had to ask him, and he looked at me like I was crazy.

It’s not that he won, it’s the fact that he won by a massive margin. In a state far larger than the first three. It also was the first one where the African American vote had a voice. To go further, SC is much closer in make up in the swing states that are gonna decide this thing in November than the first 3. So yeah,

Pelosi’s the only reason the ACA passed, after Obama, the Senate, and everyone else gave up on it.

Not to mention we flipped the House and six governorships with moderate centrists in 2018 while the great revolution flipped none.

White voters love to fool themselves that the black guy was a fire-breathing Malcolm X-wannabe.

“Democrats have only won ONCE with a ‘moderate centrist’ and that was Bill Clinton...”

I feel like I’m drifting into my own policial sunken place.

He was so shitty to her in the hotel room before he even told her, it was like he was a completely different person, on the defensive the entire time.

No she didn’t. She was fairly supportive but needed time to process what he told her. She expressed that she was willing to work it out, until he called her a bitch. She was upset by the fact that he kept something from her until after they got engaged, he just wasn’t willing to hear her out.

She’s been using it on her bed for years? Am I missing something? Why does one need to Febreeze a bed? If your bed smells, don’t you just change your sheets? Not trying to shame any new/single/any kind of mom -- I assume all the Ks and every other celebrity has a staff that could wash and remake their beds every day

The sponcon could have been way less weird if she only used the caption “YOU try looking sexy while your house smells like baby vomit. Febreze: get your horny on, save your gag reflex for the good shit.”

Let’s face it Jessica only got engaged to Mark because Barnett didn’t propose and then she spent the rest of the series trying to get Barnett to be interested in her.

So on #3 - YESSSSSSS! I’m only watching at this point to see if Amber’s hands meet Jessica’s face. Even if Amber and Barnett don’t make it, Jessica wasn’t even his 2nd choice - it was LC.

I only watch for Lauren and Cameron. I legit fast forward through every scene with every other couple. I don’t even know what is happening with them and I don’t care.

You should be ashamed of yourself for posting this utter nonsense.

Also women: use the toilet seat covers and stop trying to squat. You get pee EVERYWHERE! You do not have the thigh strength of Beyonce! And even if Bey found herself in an average airport bathroom like the rest of us she would use a fucking seat cover because she’s not nasty!

So Warren is allowed to be aggressive and assertive and black blue checks are all over the internet with “Yass Queen” and other shit but Kamala was too aggressive and was an “angry black woman.” I mean she went at Bloomberg and everyone except 50 Stents. Oh nice to know that a socialist has a home in Vermont and has

Bernie has to keep moving the goalposts as he now owns as 1 fewer houses than pairs of underwear.

I think her going after Bloomberg mostly benefits Biden, especially going into SC and the other southern states on Super Tuesday. Biden has been leading in the polls there by like 30 points in some places, but Bloomberg siphoned off about half of that support when he entered the race. Those people could go back to

Is Bernie still in the lead? Definitely. There’s a good 30% of the Dem electorate that will ride with him all the way. But that still leaves ~70%.