
Keep failing??  Before Trump we have Obama for two terms. Poll after poll show that the majority of the country is moderate. The GOP has gone so far right, they lost their moderates to the Dems or Independents. That is who we need to get to beat Trump.  

Which positions, pray tell, are you talking about? The main differences between their biggest positions are minor details at best, because both proposed a wealth tax, student loan forgiveness, and Medicare for All.

Nevada maybe in flux what with Bernie Bros harassing a Union so badly and with such vehemence (+ doxxing) that it resulted in police complaints and the Union being stood up for by all campaigns, then Bernie going #allcampaigns matter instead just denouncing the trolls (admittedly hard given that some of them are

“Once you get over all the “blackness,” what makes this any better than a Tyler Perry movie?”

I am really stuck on Portman’s production company not having worked with any female directors besides herself. That seems to me something that she could have more control over than the projects she works on with other studios. LuckyChap Entertainment, the production company started by Margot Robbie, has done/is doing

Here are the only possible outcomes:

Correction: Mike Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders and Mayor Pete are. Biden would beat him but hey he’s too centrist for these kids that voted once and now know everything.

The sad truth is that a lot of white people on the right and the left blame Barack Obama for Trump. The idea of white people being responsible for their own actions is unfathomable to a lot of them.

That’s wonderful. Bloomberg leads Sanders among all black voters.

Sanders still got 6,000 more votes than Buttigieg...

I’ll be so glad when we get to Nevada and South Carolina and the actual base of the Democratic party gets a say. The Iowa mess is a good indication of what you get when white leftists try to make the rules.

One thing I find ironic about this is that black and brown people have to stand in line for hours to vote and very little deal gets made about that in the MSM. A bunch white people in an Iowa high school gym can’t get their app to work and it’s the death of American democracy.

Hey I’d totally vote for a woman, unless there’s any form of man on the ballot paper as well.

It’s going to be really rich to see some of the Bernie supporters who stanned for Caucuses in 2016 turn on them on Tuesday if Biden pulls ahead thanks to consolidating the support of non-viable candidates. 

Remember when he still had the glow of “Oz” all over him when he start L&O and before we found out he was a conservative piece of shit who had to be told to shut up and sit down?

None of us like to be reminded of that election. Which underscores how profoundly self-centered and short-sighted it was for Sanders to run again in the first place. Sanders’s refusal to exit stage left and allow a new generation (which for him, means Baby Boomers) unencumbered by the bitterness of 2016 to take up the

Yes, because he was being “practical” this is the same person who said Abrams and Gillum didn’t win because they were black.

But Obama also felt completely comfortable hanging the poor out to dry economically in the name of cutting deals with Republicans

Furthermore, the Bros reaction to all of this conveniently ignores that Warren waited until Sanders covertly turned on her to ever so much as imply a negative word about him. If we’re talking about things in the language of back-stabbing, maybe Bernie Sanders shouldn’t have allowed his campaign to circulate a