
For all the whining about “evil money,” this race was over the minute Black clergy called Turner out from the pulpit as bearing false witness. I’ve been through many a crazy election - Ohio somewhat specializes in those - but I’ve never seen anything like that.

So, what does Shontel Brown stand on, beyond not being Nina Turner? And what does Nina Turner offer that Shontel Brown can never? Between this piece and Michael Harriott’s it might be good to link to their literature, particularly as here there’s been minimal coverage on where they stand and why one matters over the

Yep, it must be that tremendous amount of sneaky Jew dark money. That’s why Brown was able to outraise Turner... (checks notes) I mean Turner was able to outraise Brown by nearly 2/1... Well, the sneaky Jew dark money clearly gives you a bang for your buck. It can’t have been Turner’s platform, lack of local political

When progressives lose they go in one of two directions:

Woah. The politician with more local connections won a local election? That’s some real nefarious politicking there on part of the Establishment.

My least favorite part about volunteering for either Sanders run or more issue-based stuff with progressive groups is the sour grapes conspiratorial routine when faced with

The engraving on the top of the gate of the death camps will read: “Wonder Bread toasted free”.

They know that their favorite GOP-Faux News-NewsCrack talking head tells them that CRT will lead to all-white death camps.

I feel like I’m watching a sister grilling her man after she looked at his laptop and he forgot to delete his browsing history.

Ja’Ron dedicated his life to avoiding facts and integrity. He wants to continue that tradition so after being bodied by Joy Reid, Ja’Ron bequeaths his beard to Rudy’s scalp, where it will never again be exposed to facts, integrity, and only have a passing relationship with reality.

I really hope he survives.

Imagine paying upwards of $250K just to catch a potentially fatal and debilitating disease.

I’m kind of amazed at the whole “Trump refuses to agree to a peaceful transfer of power” freakout. Did anybody think he would? It doesn’t matter what he agrees to. This fucker isn’t Wolverine.

Those are white children, they have nothing to worry about.

It was a 5 minute spot for a former President, who, despite my and your dislike of him, remains popular with a lot of middle aged and older Democrats, the people who, you know, determined the outcome of the primary and are the largest and most core part of the coalition.

Not everything that Michelle Obama said was completely accurate. Not everyone’s having problems paying for their apartment, because she’s living in Trump’s head rent-free right now.

WELP. That was a longish thinkpiece to circle around trying to rationalize not being thrilled by Harris, simply because she does not meet your Blackness and wokeness purity test. This does not surprise me at all, but I am vastly disappointed nonetheless. I am NOT sorry she is not as melanated as you want her to be.

It would not have mattered a single ounce. Hillary went hard on him and all it did was inspire memes and made his base double down on their bullshit. Even when, one by one, former Trump goons turned on him, it has not changed a thing. The people who voted him in will still support him ride or die.

LOL. AOC...tells you how many people still need to escape their Bushwick bubble

You’re just engaging in whataboutism which is what Trump supporters do. There is no sliding scale of racism/bigotry and most people with a level of common decency hate what Trump stands for and they also hate for this anti semitic bigotry that Farrakhan stands for as well. If Nick Cannon wants to go down and in flames