
Being an internet racist troll isn’t a good look, but yet here you are.

Again, she’s the Speaker of the House and third in line for the presidency. She has a long list of legislation that she has passed, like the ACA, she can point to as her accomplishments. Those are the receipts. 

Pelosi isn’t Crowley or Engel. She’s the Speaker to the House and third in line for the presidency. She’s earned her job because voters in her district continue to vote for her. She passed the Affordable Care Act and host of other bills. Those are the receipts. If you live in her district and don’t want her as your

This is your pitch? LOL. Good luck with that.

What would the voters in Nancy's district get out of voting her out of office though? It's not like her successor automatically becomes speaker. 

AOC couldn’t win a statewide NY election but she’s a threat to Democratic establishment? Look, love AOC, but not every district is an liberal as hers. 

Kamala knew when to exit the race. And for that she’ll be rewarded with VP.

Except he’s the only Dem candidate to actually increase voter turnout in several states. Why does everyone forget this? If Bernie had done the same would this even be a narrative?

I don’t blame Mango Musselini’s voters for voting for him. White people going to white. They’re voting in their best interests. I may disagree with them, but they showed up for their candidate. Everyone blames Clinton for not convincing enough voters to vote for her, but somehow only Bernie gets a pass when people

A politician’s job is to win over voters. If the politician can’t connect with voters that’s on them not the voter.

Voters vote for who they like. Voters may like some of Bernie’s policy proposals, but they don’t like Bernie. The only reason he did so well in 2016 is because Americans had been primed to hate Hillary for 30 plus years and even then she managed to earn millions more in votes than Sanders, both in 2016 and 2020.

People like Biden. They don’t like Bernie as much. It’s very simple.

But also because they like Biden. Biden is likeable. Some on the Far Left forget this.

Biden just won the way Trump did in 2016, without any infrastructure. This says more about the enthusiasm in his candidacy than anyone else’s. Voters didn’t care that he advertised less, or didn’t visit their state. Turnout is up, everywhere. He didn’t need Bloomberg/Sander’s war chest. He won on a shoe-string budget.

Except in FL, VA, NC, SC, GA...

It doesn’t explain Obama level turnout though.

Debates don’t matter. Trump proved that.

All true, but if you’re trying to appeal to Obama voters criticism might not be the best tool to connect with those voters, especially when Obama is so beloved.

Neoliberalism is anyone not Sanders.