
The DNC doesn’t control individual state elections. 

Obviously platforms don’t matter or else we wouldn’t hate Trump as president.

“Best interests” is peak paternalism, bro.

^This! It’s extremely generous to believe that a majority of Warren supporters had Sanders as their second pick especially after his supporters went after her. I certainly didn’t. Bernie is doing worse this time around against a weaker establishment candidate. 

Pete adds nothing to a Biden ticket. Abrams would ensure increased black turnout in vital key states. Biden is already winning white women. He doesn’t need Pete for that. There’s no way Biden doesn’t select a woman as his running mate.

So this is your hot take for Bernie losing the black vote, again?

Or Bernie just couldn’t convince black voters to vote for him.

Uhm, can’t be all that wealthy if she sends money back home to Venezuela.

Carlton was not only ashamed of his bisexuality he was also defensive. He didn’t want to have to explain himself. That’s the problem. And then he called her a bunch of names. 

As a Gay man, Diamond reacted like anyone who’s only been given half the story. He went full misogynist the moment she wanted to talk about it.

Uhm, I get your point, but Ragnarok was easily the best Thor film thanks in part to Jane “disappearing.”

You should really check SC numbers. Biden is still very strong with AA demo.

Obama won the White House twice without winning a single White demo. He won because he overindexed African Americans. Klobuchar/Buttigieg don’t excite that demo at all. The next Dem candidate needs to maintain/exceed minority voter participation of 2016, but also overindex White Women, primarily in the suburbs.

So in your world African American voters don’t get to decide anything? I mean both Kloubacher and Buttigieg are polling in single digits with African American voters. Obama lost the white vote, every demo, twice but won because he overindexed African Americans. What would adding Mayor Pete to the ticket do to drive up

Mayor Pete has no legs with African American women so his chances sink outside of IO and NH.

She’s the star of a multi-billion dollar movie franchise. Do you not get how Hollywood works? They want their films to make money so naturally they’d cast stars that would bring in bigger audiences.

Except he stalked and killed a child.

These aren’t encouraging numbers. The eventual candidate will have to over-index minority voters to win the election. Mayor Pete doesn’t excite the African American voter base.

African Americans have been voting for shitty white candidates since they fought for their right to vote. But yeah, let’s blame them for not wanting to vote for a on-black presidential candidate and not voter ID laws that suppressed their vote, long election day lines, cancellation of early voting, etc.

His low polling with minorities means he will lose the entire South and the most diverse states in the Union. Just look at his numbers in SC. He doesn’t excite the African American base like at all.