
Who in the actual FUCK ungreyed you?

Mexican and white are not mutually exclusive categories, just like South African and white are not mutually exclusive categories. White people colonized Mexico.

I just can’t...

If you stop and consider the fact that a majority of Biden’s primary opponents were sitting Senators, the question then becomes, “WTF are all of those who aren’t running for President any more doing about anything?”

If people haven’t already, it’s a good idea to listen to the podcast, Who Is?, hosted by Sean Marrow. This podcast explores the key players in current American politics. After listening to the ones about Sen. Mitch McConnell and Jus. John Roberts, I finally understand how far reaching which prez candidate you pick is.

Biden pulled in more white working class voters in battleground states like Michigan and in the recently concluded Wisconsin polls where he led Sanders by 30+ points in working class counties.

Instead, lots of people are just going to wait at the bus stop and yell they think a bus should pick them up and take them DIRECTLY to their homes, and not stop anywhere else along the way.

Some decent news from my little corner of the farce - my father, who’s a retired Marine General and has been holding on to his support for Donnie throughout the clown show started my call with him yesterday with a couple f bombs which isn’t like him. Anyway, I’m dissapointed it took him so long to see the forest but

Those are what you came up with for Trump? Reality TV star? Not concentration camps? Unprecedented lunatics as Federal Judges? How about go fuck yourself.

Oh I get it. The title was ironic.

You said above: “it was still disappointing to hear him say that in-person voting is totally safe.” Did he say that? No, he did not. You’re playing real fast and loose with words here, for a professional writer. He didn’t encourage people to go vote in person, he said it was possible to do it safely, and that it was

It simply is NOT TRUE that Bernie “took a dream of a strong social safety net with him.”

Alabama is my state. The state of my country. The state of my people.. It reflects what is real and true about America. My governor doesn’t give a fuck, my senator just wants other white people to vote for him, my countrymen don’t give a fuck, my president don’t give a fuck. Alot of my OWN people don’t give a fuck.

Ashley’s running a blatant cherry picking fallacy so she can rant her ass off. Not much else to say about it.

Picking Biden removes the #1 attack that will be waged by Republicans:

Here’s the thing:

It’s good that you can’t.

The cold, hard truth of American politics is that the SECOND you can pin down an opponent’s policy position, you can frame it and fire away, and those centrist voters that you absolutely must win are easily spooked.

That’s why the GOP is so much better at national elections

I (strongly) agree that Joe Rogan is definitely only talking to a niche audience. But that was part of my confusion on the Sanders’s campaign’s enthusiasm about the Rogan endorsement. Rogan’s audience has a strong overlap with the (to borrow part of your user name) Dirtbag Left, which is a segment of the electorate

Because the longer you have a single candidate from a single party in a presidential primary, the more likely voters from that party will vote for that candidate in the presidential election regardless of whoever else was in the primary at the beginning. It’s basic political science-stuff I learned in high school.

The 2018 results seem to give the lie to that, as Bernie’s candidates didn’t do as well as the general Dem slate candidates did. We shall see what Wisconsin shows.

he bested Sanders in every state in the county.