She's still testifying though.
She's still testifying though.
She answered your question. Now why won't you tell us how'd you feel if someone stuck their finger up your butthole without your consent and while you were unconscious. I'm sure you've taken a few pretty big dumps in your lifetime and your rectum survived those so maybe a finger wouldn't do much damage. However,…
We agree, because doctors should do their jobs. If they can't they shouldn't be doctors to begin with.
What if there isn't another doctor to refer them to?
So what you are saying that the fetus trumps the mother? One cannot live without the other, so if the mother's life is in danger which life should be saved then?
So much logic fail in your comments. A more simple way of dealing with not performing perfectly legal medical procedures as a doctor is to simple not to become one. This isn't religion we're talking about here. You can’t pick and choose what you would and won’t do as a doctor. Your responsibility is to your patient…
99% of these stories are made up.
Nate Silver. 538. NY Times. Obama is satistically poised to win both at the moment. Worry, but get out the vote.
You should contact the the Obama campaign and the DNC. They should be able to walk you throught he process or act as your proxy. There has been a massive voter purge in FL. You might be one the names that they purged. Do it while you still have time. Also find out if you cna register on-line.
God, I love "Got 2 Be Real!"
Shame though.
God, I love Got 2 Be Real. Gawker should really promote it.
Stay vigilant. They can find you.
But she's tiny. Who the fuck is she going to beat up?
If you do that then less of these films get made. Go out and support it.
OMFG, this made my day!
I wasn't attacking you. I was just stating fact. Gawker sites tend to do the same thing it accuses the mainstream media of doing which is ignoring diverse voices and experiences. It continues to write about Girls even though the audience is smaller than Veep and it probably won't be as critically praised come award…
Go no further than coverage on Gawker sites in relation to The Real Housewives franchise. The only one that is not covered is Atlanta. I wonder why?
Almost every HBO show gets a second season unless it truly sucks like John From Cincinnati or horses die while filming.
A pretty stiff order for a show that still hasn't grown its audience going into the forth week. My prayers are with you.