
While the overall idea is revolting, I think she channeled a little Lucille Ball here.

Does no one else find it odd that the kid (I'm with those guessing 'boy' also) is wearing a corset t-shirt? Does that change the context of this at all?

Agreed...she's Swarovski encrusted, he looks like he cuts his hair with a chainsaw.

Is it common for...whatever this lack commentary? I felt like the announcers had to be muted due to the fact that they were shooting Olympic Sponsor Coca Cola out of their noses at high velocity and gasping from a case of the church giggles.

Serious question: What's considered the expiration date on things like this? I see where you're coming from, but also wonder about the fact that it's a 10-year old interview, and that most of these folks have remained out of the public spotlight.

Yep. I don't even care about the Mia-is-a-psycho angle. I'm of the school of thought that if anyone ever touched one of my (as yet nonexistent) babies, I'd slaughter them in a manner that would shock seasoned war vets. To judge how someone handled her long-time boyfriend having a relationship with their adopted

Right. I squirmed a little reading about the woman who's an office manager of a construction firm. Like, just let her live her life, ffs. I haven't seen most of these folks making public comments about recent events, so their silence implies they're choosing more of a 'private citizen' life. I wouldn't fault them

It's a little strange to read the public bios of a group of mostly-private citizens. Other than Ronan, none of these adults has chosen a public life. Sure, they were raised by a group of celebrities, but their lives are their own now and I think they should have a great deal of agency in deciding to parade their life

This story really plays to all the stereotypes: Stupid corrupt communist Russians can't get anything done and pooch-screw the construction; arrogant, bully Americans lacking problem-solving skills muscle through, with no concern for the damage or destruction they cause, just to get what they want.

Oy, that's heartbreaking. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Thank you for the kind words and the "it gets better" reinforcement. Never having been through this before, I've been wondering how folks deal. (Sidenote: I also understand, for the first time EVER, people who taxidermy their animals. We won't be going

I can totally picture this—orange cats have some serious gumption! Our big orange kitty died over the weekend. It's a bitch to realize just how frequently my eyes dart to certain spots, totally expecting to see him there. Never lost a pet before. I keep telling myself it's going to get better, but reading your

It's not necessarily about having disposable hardware, though. It's that, regardless of your device, you'd still be accessing your personal cloud, social networks, possibly banking info, etc.

But...but...Putin and the mayor told us we would be safe from the gays in Sochi!

The schadenfreude is off the charts on this one. As it should be. Sociopaths who condemn gay people and slaughter innocent animals in order to "clean up" their city for a world event deserve nothing but the shitshow they're getting.

Absolutely. For all of the journalists I've seen tweeting and bitching about relatively silly shit, I've been really surprised no one seems concerned about bigger issues. I mean, if your hotel is still being built while you're staying there, how comfortable should you be taking in the view on the balcony? Or worse, in

Yes! As a fellow auntie, I love the Discovery Store!

After a steady stream of these images in my inet world, I am so happy to read an article that is so pointedly correct in why this video is barftastic. It's way too many shades of drunken high school/college girls "making out" with their female friends in public, all to garner attention from the boys.

Nope. Goldieblox, I'm over your ass. I supported the kickstarter, back when the narrative was "a female engineer wants to help create more female engineers." That somehow immediately morphed into these ridiculously slick video shoots and bland, pink toys that are straight out of the mass market research department of

That whole scene looks like the live entertainment portion of a GOP fundraiser.