Like a houseguest. Marvelous at first and full of possibilities, but if left unsupervised for too long, they can be a real pain.
Like a houseguest. Marvelous at first and full of possibilities, but if left unsupervised for too long, they can be a real pain.
Well, let's see: 20 women died and I'm LMAO at these comments. I see on the left-bar menu the article "Etiquette Poll Reveals We're All Mannerless Monsters." I am NOT throwing shade, y'all, but I'm going there now.
I find it especially disgusting that this article revealed the HIV status of Lark and her daughters, who are not even legal adults themselves. Disgusting and inappropriate.
Great. That was 10 years ago. So what's your excuse for doing it now?
Sorry, but even if "Mia herself" is discussing her children, unless they themselves have stepped into the spotlight and decided to live a public life this article is a violation of their privacy and gross.
Indeed, I really didn't understand the point of this article. The fact that Dylan has been in the news shouldn't mean her brothers and sisters are public fodder by default. If they want to speak up or present their own stories, that's totally different. Otherwise, let them be.
The whole tone of this piece bothered me,…
But ten years ago most of them were minors. At that point it was her call (not the one I would have made but different strokes etc). Now they are adults who have chosen not to have public lives.
All of their names (both original and new) have been reported on in the media before and discussed by Mia herself. (I linked to one red carpet interview from about 10 years ago in which Mia gives an update on her kids and reveals their name changes.)
This article is treating the whole thing like a tabloid scandal and doing the utmost to make this about Mia Farrow, even if that means dragging her children through the muck. It seems very unnecessary to me.
Ok I may be the lone voice in the dark but I'm really tired of hearing that Mia Farrow was crazy or unhinged or a collector.
Agreed. Particularly violating was the revelation of the current names. Previously I've always heard their children referred to by their childhood names, affording them anonymity (if desired) in adulthood.
HAHA OMG Do not stop watching midway because you will miss the PANTS.
Oh, yes, the baby is already something else. He is the cuddliest cat you could ever meet— he is about five months old and his idea of a great time is just spending the day in bed with me (I just had surgery, so I've been spending lots of time in bed. I don't normally hang out in bed all day), so I hope that doesn't…
Our orange cat died in November, so it wasn't a really long time ago, but I think we will always miss him. It was how he died that was really upsetting. He was supposed to be an indoor cat, but we were letting the dogs outside and he ran out when we weren't looking. He had done it many times before, but he always…
We live in a very old house (1825) that still has a lot of those old-fashioned latch doors. We had a very big kitty (RIP Orange Cat) that was able to stand up, push the latch to our bedroom door with his front paws, and walk into our bedroom on his back legs while pushing the door open. He did this whenever he…
The schadenfreude is off the charts on this one. As it should be. Sociopaths who condemn gay people and slaughter innocent animals in order to "clean up" their city for a world event deserve nothing but the shitshow they're getting.
Shit bins and stray dogs.... this is going to be good.
I used to travel for work to Moscow and would have to stay there for weeks at a time, and the shower curtain thing is typical, even at luxury hotels. However, what you also need to consider is that they do not - NOT - have a concept of "value" - what things are worth. They have a very naïve idea that "it's worth…
You don't hand the Olympics to anyone. You sell them.