SuckMyLeft1...part 2. (It’s a Bikini Kill song btw)

I’m watching this right now, and honestly... Harper is pissing me TF off. 

I think she sounds dumb but 23 ain’t a kid, some people have been through a lot by that age, to me that’s an adult

I think some of things Bella has done have gotten a lot of hate she didn’t quite deserve but the Onlyfans thing was justified, she affected the lives of many people and didn’t seem to give a shit.

I think one of the points of the movie was how problematic everything in the movie was.

I know I’m late to the party, but I don’t think someone like Pratt could necessarily get away with the behavior of Polanski, I feel like people have accepted that they’re terrible (With Cruise...a lot of people don’t even care or view him as horrible but more as a cultish turd) but that going forward.... that behavior

I agree but it sounds like it wasn’t a good time to be Cazzie David 

Does anyone know what Carrie Underwood’s political leanings are? I guess I’ll just google it. Wonder if Lady Trash was there 

I can see Kourtney becoming one of those weird yoga Qnoner types that Jez wrote about a few weeks back, she already has her wannabe Goop brand “Poosh” and now she’s saying this type of stuff, Kanye was all saying some crazy shit about fluoride...I wonder if those two are close.

I mean... maybe to balance out the flavor so it ain’t so salty, and if that’s what the recipe called for and it works then might as well stick to what it says, sometimes regular broth can be pretty salty and it’s nice to have control over the amount of salt you add into the recipe... you can’t omit the salt from the

Did you watch it?  I didn’t know it was available yet. 

100% agree, her and Robert Pattinson both get a lot of shit still bc the Twilight movies... it’s getting old at this point, they’ve made more than enough good material to make up for a trio of movies about vampires they made in their teens (Rob may have been early 20s), I think it’s pretty amazing what they’ve done

Haha never on Jez

I don’t think Miley’s family supports Trump at all, and even if they did... I’m not blaming Miley for that.

Yeah I don’t believe you guys do either otherwise this site would be much bigger 😂, hell I wish they were paying you guys so we can bring Jez to the masses! 

Yeah and Ray J was actually relevant at one point (He had a huge song with Lil Kim IIRC), he was more famous than Kim during the time they were together.

Yet that’s a big portion of the comments and Jez wants comments period.... the more comments and clicks the better... they will not stop writing about the Kardashians just bc we say “we can’t stand the Kartrashians and their filler lips plz stop writing about them!”, no... they’re huge pop culture phenoms and they

It’s kinda hard for them to have a celeb gossip column and leave them out of it, they’re a huge part of our pop culture... yeah giving them attention only fans the flames but it also gives them clicks and we are here in a comment section in an article about... them.

They talk about “limited government” too... like yeah... sure Jan.

I feel like we are doing that though and the repubs saw what we were doing and started doing the same and with even more fervor, it was like once the “squad” happened they wanted to get as many young male repubs as possible to combat them, they don’t have many young females though which I find interesting bc there’s pl