SuckMyLeft1...part 2. (It’s a Bikini Kill song btw)

I personally am seeing more of the light as the hours go by. I worked the election yesterday and there was an awful lot of Trump voters so I emotionally tuned out and did my job but when I came home... felt so deflated and like “that fucking trashbag is going to get another 4 years”, I live in a red area and that’s

Yo..... we need to make this a thing. 

I know, right? Imagine if Antifa was actually as extreme as the right says? maybe I’d feel protected and not so scared of these 45ers.

I am so scared that the raccoons hanging around my area are going to kill my cat, I tried my damn hardest to make him an indoor cat but I got him when he was three and he was already an indoor/outdoor cat so my attempt was futile, one day when my cat was outside eating the food I left out for the ferals in my area I

It does and she chose a really good one too. Kinda ballsy bc most of her fans have no clue who Pamela Anderson is and she could have chosen a million other ways to show off her ass... she chose the right path.

Ungreyed bc I know you’re no troll but don’t necessarily agree with doc Phil about that

Rich has a tendency to give credence to people who are... shitty. I think he has a thing for controversial figures.

Wait... did he always have one? I could have sworn that he wasn’t an actual doctor or like he was almost a doctor but not quite

What you’re saying sounds good ya know, it seems practical... but it’s not that easy to a person who suffers from a mental illness, if it was that easy.... it wouldn’t be a problem. If anything starting the process earlier can sometimes make the ritual go on even longer... I’ve been there, I found that if I give

It feels more authentic than the other shows on at that hour... aside from Hot Bench

I think Rich gets off on his hot takes... it’s predictable and boring at this point.

Yeah Rich has some weird takes, I think he’s a fan of Wendy Williams too. I was recently diagnosed with ADD... still want to go to another psych though bc I’m not crazy about the treatment I’m getting, my insurance isn’t so great and it’s hard to find people who specialize in adult add/adhd and take my insurancehave

I agree with you 100% but sometimes I think my issues with ADD and bipolar make me selfish... in the sense that I allow them to consume me and others have to pay a price for it, never a big one.. but like.. having to wait an extra 5-10 mins for me... I guess I feel like my mental issues shouldn’t have to be an

Same... also bipolar, fun times.

When Kim called it “a special surprise from heaven”... almost spit my crackers n cheese out... no Kim... that ain’t what it is.

Explain please.... cause that makes me sad 

You don’t care about the GS and neither does someone like HER, the cult that she belonged to didn’t like what the GS were about, scared they were making girls too independent and not teaching them how to be submissive to men... SHE does not deserve the support of the GS. You only support this woman for one reason...


A desperate ghost... that’s not good.