Too bad about how his car got keyed three times, huh?
Too bad about how his car got keyed three times, huh?
I had a boss who hated me- everyone else in the department got these really nice beer mugs- he gave me a package of peppermint patties with the discount bin sticker still attached.
It’s the equivalent of getting a cheese and meat sampler from the local grocery with the markdown sticker still on it and the cellophane all shreddy from where the giver opened it up and stole all the Brie.
And you and everyone else including Trump have forgotten Barron.
It’s almost like power corrupts.
No shit.
The problem is seniority leads to better appointments, and therefore, it becomes easier to deliver to constituents. California will elect a Democrat for senator, whether DF’s name is on the ballot or not, so it looks like voters are keeping her in for her seniority, despite, well, her seniority.
“It’s time to get rid of the leftovers,” the official said.
I can’t wait for the yard sale on January 20th, when these grifters will be selling us pieces of American history. They’ll probably have a bin full of brass and copper fittings too.
and also the chef is a dude named Aaron from Arizona. I don’t think the people of Valencia were offended by american teenagers scoffing at one of their specialty prepared by an american chef.
I could be wrong, but I sure as shit wouldn’t take it badly if they didn’t like the specialties of where I’m from, doubly so if…
As a frenchman, I think a bit of the blame needs to be put on the chef tho.
He’s not a Great Creator of New Trendy Foods at a rich asshole restaurant in NYC, he’s the personnal chef of 2 brattyass american teenager... Read the fucking room lol, you ain’t cooking for royalty, you’re cooking for freakin nouveau riche…
Off topic:
And the whole “THE HOSPITALS/DOCTORS GET PAID MORE IF THEY SAY SOMEONE DIED FROM COVID!!!” is a fucking joke for people who don’t understand how insurance and reimbursement works. It’s just too bad that COVID’s not discriminating appropriately to take out more of the people who shouldn’t be passing on their genes to…
Yeah, I totally picture that death certificate.
A lot of these claims stepped from this (singular) reclassification.
I have no words.
One of my idiot coworkers was claiming a friend of a friend was killed in a drive by shooting and the hospital listed his death as covid-19. These people will believe anything that fits into the worldview they want to have without any evidence, and no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise.
People I wanted to Abby to get with before I’d wish Harper upon her:
Yeah, I’m in pause for lunch but damn, she’s pissing me off. (spoiler)