SuckMyLeft1...part 2. (It’s a Bikini Kill song btw)

Also spoilers to those who didn’t see it....

Aubrey Plaza said she also thought Abby should have wound up with Riley but she didn’t write the movie 😂.

He’s of no use to Trump now, too young... he only starts appreciating them when they’re old enough to do dirty work or shill for him and I suspect that Melania won’t allow that (she sucks so much but it seems like she really loves her son) so Trump truly doesn’t value him, who knows though? He might be in the senate

If it wasn’t a discount situation... I would have been happier with the patties.

I mean... it’s basically Ivanka and the rest are just...there, but Don Jr is his first son and I think he only now has started tolerate him (I suspect him dating KG has helped Jr a lot, I really think he chose her as his new bae bc he knew daddy would approve) bc all he’s been willing to do to get back in his good

To be fair, people shit on actors/actresses for roles they take on all the time... but usually for decent reasons, this however...seems silly, I mean teens are gonna teen...and he seems like an easy yet innocent target.

I know her as a soap opera actress, apparently she has a pretty successful reality show on Netflix... “Selling Sunset”, I may watch it just for her. 

I have this theory that Trump’s fave kids are Ivanka then Eric Being a very distant second fave, with Don and Tiff being his least fave, it seems like Don Jr made his way back into daddy’s good graces by being a complete schill for him, before that all he did was get into hot water and make an ass of himself. 

I’m confused... is that supposed to be impressive? She married into money, it’s not like she made her own way... I mean at the end of the day she’s giving out leftover merch to kids... kinda sad ya know?

I didn’t watch it so maybe I’m missing something, to me it just seems like a reality tv show type skit that went wrong, I think their parents are shady AF and should getting the blame as well if not most of it, they’re trying so hard to profit off their children and it never occurred to them as actual adults how badly

I think it’s understandable level you have questions, if you don’t understand something and want to understand it... there’s no harm in that.

I think she lived in London from 10 or 11 til she was 20, obviously still an American but she developed an accent while she lived there and slowly lost it when she moved back. Ok I had to edit comment to include this, I was kinda wrong about the time frame

Charles was with Camilla before and during the marriage, he was in love with another woman when he wed Diana... don’t try to equate Diana’s affairs with the amount of shit Charles did, also... Harry does look like his father, not like William does but you can tell he’s the child of Charles and Diana, just bc another

I suspect Joan reads the comments... and it only makes her wanna dish out the hot takes even more.

I get most of what you’re saying even though your wording is a bit harsh but there are some pretty dead white ladies who are known for their smarts and independence, I mean there’s something to be said about projecting whatever we want on a dead person (Diana) bc they’re not around to prove us wrong and I think that a

So you think the death threats are justifiable?

I mean... I think it’s a bit deeper than that, as PH said, he brought an 18 yr old into his mess of a life, she gave him children, he continued seeing his “OTL” while she was suffering from an eating disorder and depression (and understandably she started to have her own affairs bc..duh), his selfish behavior caused

I personally don’t feel bad about the public scrutiny they receive but death threats are crossing a line... I’d shut my comments off too. There’s a lot to be said about the Royal Family (as many of these comments show... historically...they’re pretty freakin terrible) but Joan’s note take was a bit off the mark. I

This is how I feel in regards to the Instagram situation, there ain’t nothing wrong with turning your comments off, it’s your social media and you don’t have to sit there and allow people to harass you and threaten you and yeah... even make fun of you and say dumb shit, otherwise I don’t feel sorry for the public