
You should be. Adam Driver is jizz material for me, personally.

Oh well, at least he fucking tried. When you have a shit character to deal with, asking them questions is, from a cognitive science perspective, far more revealing and constructive than making statements. And this needs to be on men to ask them. Now he just needs better questions. Personally, I’d like to thank him for

$284Billion and her first thought is “oh, my Xmas lights” and not “someone done fucked up?”

“Mariah. On the runway, your look was a Daydream, and sweet as Honey. But in the performance challenge, you had a BIT of a Breakdown. Im sorry my dear, but you are up for elimination.”

Good, Mariah messing up on live tv and not giving a shit gives me life.

Well it was December 2016. We were and are all still thinking this for the next four... fucking... years.

“my goal today was to start a conversation about hearing from the men whenever we can”

It’s the lesser option actually. Michael’s title means he’s descended from a king but doesn’t have his own title. It’s also one that can’t be shared with his wife, so she’

“Did you marry Jared because he has the same lack-of-personality as your dad and is just as evil?”

From your lips to God’s ear...

I hope it’s not BJ. He’s always seemed like such a pretentious asshole, and she deserves to be treated well by a partner.

I’m also really pulling for Booker paternity!

Better than “Rocketeer Muppet” or “Kale Salad” like so many celebs do.

That’s horrible.this story is giving me deja vu.... ahhhh yes Emilie Hirsch.

He hit a woman, but that was okay because he “was forced to defend” himself after the victim tapped him on the shoulder.

Also, I saw someone point out that Spurlock’s comment about being alcoholic for the past 30 years really undermines Super Size Me, since at one point in the film a doctor says that his liver “looks like an alcoholic’s” after eating McDonald’s for so long. Like... damn. We now know that he was an alcoholic. That’s not

these weasel-dick motherfuckers. Super Size me was bullshit.