
Jack finally made the right decision. I am such a big fan of his but I couldn’t for the life of me understand what he saw in her. I used to be a fan of hers until I saw what a pos she is. Thank you for cutting and running Jack. You KNOW this shit wasn’t mutual.

Morena is known best for Firefly, get reallllll

You should be. Adam Driver is jizz material for me, personally.

I love Mindy and I’m so happy for her!

I’m ghostwriting a book for a very famous band currently. Contractually I’m not allowed to do what Max I said doing even though this book is going to sell millions, easily. Maybe he didn’t have to sign an NDA? Haha

I don’t find Tiffany Haddish as hilarious as half the world seems to. I think it’s amazing how she overcame the odds in the foster care system, but she’s funny the way Sam Kinison was funny-by yelling a fuckton. Yawn.

Adventures. In. Babysitting.

I’ve overlooked a lot of dumb shit Lena has said but this is some f$&king bullshit. She and Jenni Konner are so out of line and such motherf&$ing hypocrites. Lena, ya done lost another fan. Jack, dump her. You’re far more progressed.

I honestly read his poor wording as his one true love was Bob Taft...anyone else?

Broken Triangle-Sweetie, he’s lying about the psycho gf. I’m positive of this. I was dating this dude who kept our relationship a secret and it really upset me. He said his reasoning was because his ex was suicidal and they were friends on Facebook and if she saw we were dating she would do something rash. I believed

I love Jon & Tracey Stewart. I’d rather talk about all they’re doing to save animals instead. Fuck CK. Don’t group peripheral friends into his nonsense.

Literally LOL’d.



Fuck off


In a similar situation, I have trouble watching Sheryl on The Talk because she serially sexually harasses attractive men who visit the show. Mark Consuelos was the most uncomfortable. It goes for women the same way it goes for men.

My Mother grew up in an abusive home, oldest of 13, essentially forced to raise her younger siblings. She tells this story of being 8 or 9, and she and her younger sister staying outside late playing. Her mother calls for them, they keep playing. She walks outside with a f&$ing shotgun and chases them. They get away.

You write this like you’re her bestie and you’re so sick of her being maligned. I’m with her family, she should shut up about it already. It’s not helping ANYONE.

a new daughter :( :( :(