
Him wearing that R. Kelly shirt was a fireable offense.

Excuse my crudeness, but I’m betting against my FoxNews brainwashed parents. They heard “of middle Eastern decent,” and got on their xenophobic high horse. I bet them $50 he was born in America, or has been naturalised for a long while. I guess we’ll see. I hate that these are the ignorant conversations we’re mired

When that day comes, I feel like old Murry Chang will be in the comments victim blaming and defending LCK.

On the flip side, at the same time I was hanging with Tyler Labine who is truly a humble and rad dude. HE is the real deal. So it was very funny to see him in contrast to Tudyk who really thought he was hot shit. It was really disappointing though because I had loved him since Firefly.

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but Spacey’s response troubles me in the sense that it looks to make him a sympathetic person rather than a predator (which he was at least in one case, possibly more, but this one case). He almost takes power from Rapp by using this moment to not take ownership and then deflect and

Anthony Rapp was a delight when I met him.

You have such great taste. I love Phantom so much I named one of my cats after him. And Opera is def my favorite Argento after Phenomena.

What creeps me out most is his demanding women (sometimes forcing them physically) to look him in the eyes. My only saving grace in my assault was not having to look at my rapist. Do I regret not being able to identify him? Of course I do. But am I glad I don’t have to remember his face? Eternally. I cannot imagine

Isn’t it true though, that NDA’s do not cover illegal activities? Is it really breaking an NDA if the discussion isn’t about private business but private harassment?

The Last Broadcast predated Blair Witch and for the most part I find more scary-mainly in the found footage scenes. Plus interestingly enough, was broadcast via satellite in only a handful of of those theaters was in Florida...the projectionist was Eduardo Sanchez. If only he would admit what inspired

Adam Wingard and his frequent collaborator Simon Barrett are two of the most overrated BROS to ever exist in the horror genre. Heard so many horror stories from those who work on his sets, including one veritable actor who has nothing but bad things to say about his behavior to those he deems, “under,” him.

Cool story. I hope someone murders and eats you someday. Because, ya know, you’d be delicious.

Wonder how long it takes for Eminem shirt and cd burnings to take place? Or in this day of digital media will there just be a lot of tweet anger?

Dude talks about people trying to make money off of her and he is the #1 offender. F**k him.

Sasheer was lost in the shuffle. Nothing memorable in that show from her. Her stuff outside of SNL is much, much better and memorable. I hope she continues on head held high. Jenny Slate proves that sometimes the best stuff comes AFTER SNL.

As a cat rescuer with 6 of my own, I don’t see how it can be said with any degree of accuracy that Nutmeg was for sure 32. It’s obvious he was old, but if he came as a stray there’s no way to say with certainty he was 32.

What a rad week for the Skarsgard family. Bill as Pennywise in IT and now this. Pizza Party afterward!!!

Well of fucking course she did...

I love some of my friends on a deep level and never have I demanded we hang out I am weekly basis. This person isn’t way too needy. Feel like the reasons friends always back off is this kind of shit...

Devin has been treating women like garbage for EONS! Do you still have thay secure way for people To contact you? I have a friend who dated him for a bit and she had many stories...