
That’s all it takes to get a verified account? Man, who can I get the internet to leave alone????

As a fat woman who is 36 and gets mistaken for a 20 something all the time, I wonder if this is why plus size models tend to start later? I feel like because our skin is usually smoother, our creases are filled in so to speak, we tend to look younger in general.

Deb from Shameless?


She is perfection. And not just because of her radness in Go...all of this even more so, a doi

We get it, you’re fertile! Now stop torturing yourself with these nightmare pregnancies! You make cute babies yes, but save yourself darling!!!

What beautiful children, and what a sweet boy to look out for his baby brother like that!

I feel kind of guilty that I can’t think of her as anything but the daughter of that Scumbag bigot.

I am obese and had a hiatal hernia that was corrected with surgery. I had a terribly easy to provoke gag reflex when I had the hernia. Since it’s been corrected I have a hard time vomiting even when I’m sick.

I’m so sorry. I hope you have plenty of quality time with your baby ❤️

Respectfully, the animal suffered. Yes, this is all involuntary movements after brain was separated from body, but the animal suffered. Billions of animals suffer, all for palette pleasure. And you’re laughing about it.

Oh cool, let’s watch an animal suffer. Such a rad idea for a post.


I admit I have similar struggles with two artists whose work I love but who have been shitty...even downright abusive to women. David Bowie and his philandering with underage girls in the 70s and Bill Murray and his abuse of his ex-wife and possibly others. Every time I think about something I love of theirs I think

Martin (1977) by George A. Romero

hahaha I just looked at your past comments and I realize you’re one of those people who tries to start fights on almost every article. I’m not even bothered now. Who’s the troll? I think it is you babe.

I was surprised I was the first one to note it, usually there are like 30 people commenting before me. I just wish I got paid to make so many errors :(

Pssst I hate to be that guy (even though I’m a woman), but there are 3 typos in may want to use spellcheck next time.

I love this so much. I have a piece of shit pedo father and I have already planned something like this, but I want to deliver it at his funeral so he can’t not hear it 😎

same same same same and the soundtrack will forever be one of the best!