
I know you’re trolling, but the guy removed the plastic protectors from these women’s genitalia. That’s not at all “a tiny bit like” stripping, modeling for an art class etc etc. Taking a class to learn how to comfortably perform a common type of acting scene is not like getting a job as a stripper. Doing a sex scene takes specific choreography and needs to be approached professionally as well as with the proper mindset; you have to figure out how to get comfortable doing something

JFC, stop using Weinstein as some sort of standard to measure terrible behavior. When you do that, the initial reaction will be, “Oh no, not like that,” which downplays the original behavior in question and further contributes to this problem.

Seriously. What an absolute bitch she’s being. Also, if we’re being real, maybe Megyn should lead by example and talk about what she’s had done b/c most ~50 year olds don’t look like her with no work, either.

I hope Jane slaps her.

The whole Hanoi Jane thing was a setup. She was a pretty naive peace protester who jumped at the opportunity to show the North Vietnamese as human beings who wanted peace as much as people in the US did. The North Vietnamese exploited this by cajoling her to pose on a anti-aircraft gun.

“Hanoi jane” matters to that little coterie of whackadoos like Jerome Corsi and the Swiftboat Vets for Truth. Out-and-out nutters who do not at all represent American veterans.

It’s like a conservative concern carries more weight by default.

None of the people I’ve ever heard call Jane Fonda “Hanoi Jane” were veterans.

I watched the Vietnam documentary with my Vietnam vet dad and when the topic of “Hanoi Jane” came up he quickly said “oh who cares.”

Everything I’ve seen says that Trump thinks of Hope Hicks like a daughter, so he’s definitely fucking her.

Wolff on Bill Maher last night said Trump was having an affair right now in the White House and the name is mentioned near the end of his book. I haven’t read it, but has anyone who might venture a guess? Hope Hicks seems to be the favorite guess right now.

I hope she puts it all up on SoundCloud. The remixes could be spectacular.

Michael Wolff didn’t carry a tape recorder; he used the recorder app on his phone. That’s why Trump & Co. were dumb enough to never realize just how much of their idiocy he was capturing. Now they have, hence the no-iPhone policy.

Soon to be said by someone in the future: “Ms. Maginault-Newman, Mr. Mueller will see you now. Oh, and bring your phone...if you don’t mind.”

Reality TV show president gets screwed by reality TV show contestant. News at 11.

But a White House staffer tells the paper that it’s highly unlikely she would have been at a meeting of any significance to the Russia probe

Any parent who continues a relationship with the person who molested one of their children should have all of their children removed from their care. How horrific. That man is most likely touching her other children, as well as whatever kids he can get his hands on. Molesters don’t just do it once, to one child. This

She is brave for doing this because she will be attacked mercilessly online.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.