
That’s the name of his next movie. An old guy travels back in time to rescue his great-great-great-great-great (why not) grandmother from being burned at the stake. It turns out that she is really a witch and she summoned him back in time to kill the governor .

Wasn’t his wife’s show produced by Harvey? Oh, and, Chrissy Teigen needs to spill all the tea with he clap back, “Hmm. Let’s just say we’ve all heard things about each other, haven’t we?” Curious and curiouser... That said, his video walk back was good. I ain’t mad at him.

Too lazy to post one of the 100s of pics of Seal’s ex, Heidi, with HW. Does that relationship make Seal an insider about HW’s actions?

Liam Neeson says there’s a “bit of a witch hunt”

The tragedy is that I have but one star to give

Seal, please shut the fuck up. The reason why there are so many incriminating photos of celebrities palling around with Weinstein was because he was a virus who ingratiated himself with anyone who had influence. And I find it a tad sexist that only women are being criticized with their associations with known male

This isn’t a contest for me: I’ll be voting for Ben Cardin as I have before. He’s a great Senator with a strong liberal track record.

The same one in which the current Carrot-In-Chief is considered competent for his position? (Well, enough to get elected, at least.)

It also requires competency. In what reality do you think that Manning offers that?

Someone needs to take this poor, deluded idiot in hand and explain that this is a catastrophically terrible idea. She has already done her bit for King and Country with the WikiLeaks thing and needs to retire quietly to the sidelines. Surely she must realize that her public image is permanently compromised re:

1.) Eminem ain’t no musician. He is a talented Rap artist. Not an MC but a rap artist.

This reminds me of the old joke, “how is Clapton like a cup of coffee?”

Kinda surprised, but not really. Its sad though considering how much he has siphoned off our music. I still dont get why he has been hailed as one of if not the best guitarist of all time and a guitar god. I can name at least 5 guitarists (mainly jazz) that are better than him.

Also the world’s most overrated musician (yep, ahead of Eminem). Literally every bland suburban dad with a reverb amp in his garage can play the entire Clapton songbook; it’s probably why they love him so much.

His “youthful indisgressions” are horrific. When talking about famous black people , some love mention that Jay - Z once sold drugs, and therefore will always be a shitbag, but will absolutely admire Walberg and watch his movies. From Wikipedia:

It only really ruins women. He is ‘cool’ so he’ll be just fine as long as he doesn’t get himself a serious scandal. Pretty much everyone has written his past crimes as ‘youthful indigressions’ instead of a reflection of the person he is.

Probs not! He’ll probably go on to do 10 Transformer sequels making a bazillion dollars.

So will this earn him that dreaded “Difficult To Work With” label that results in your acting career going down the shitter, or at least leaving you glad to get roles in Lifetime movies? Or does that rule only apply to female performers who refuse to do nude sex scenes or touch the director’s pee-pee, not dudebros who

It doesn’t say much about Roiphe’s brand of journalism that the fact checker, who’s supposed to be the one crossing the “t”s and dotting the “i”s not doing the actual reporting, was the one calling up to check on Moira’s thoughts on being the “woman widely believed to be one of the creators of the list.” Sounds like

We’ll take his money (we being Democrats) and all but I do not want yet another old white rich dude wtih zero political experience thinking he should be president. That is the last thing we should be doing in 2020 (also, sorry, Oprah).