Terrible take. It’s not the players’ responsibility to keep the people in the big-money seats safe, their job is to keep from getting themselves hurt. Lowry did nothing wrong. This guy should have kept his fucking hands to himself, period.
Terrible take. It’s not the players’ responsibility to keep the people in the big-money seats safe, their job is to keep from getting themselves hurt. Lowry did nothing wrong. This guy should have kept his fucking hands to himself, period.
> Lowry crushed the woman in the chair behind the one he crashed into while chasing the ball and didn’t appear to make any effort to soften the blow.
The box is starting to stink, if that's any indication.
Yeah, me too. I adore her. I feel like they’re burying the lede here.
Except that there was. Heckerling and Kattan both notes that they had sex. Heckerling was in a power position that she used as leverage to push the sexual liaison.
I think he gave Jenny plenty of chances— she dropped the F-bomb on her very first show, the season premiere— and rather than firing her outright she was on the entire season. She just wasn’t that good— she seemed awkward and lost most of the time, from what I remember.
“First of all, Karen is a tool and no one is ever going to believe that a real life man propositioned her for sex. Have you seen her???? And if a real life man did proposition her for sex there’s zero chance she “shrugged it off”. I get they eventually had sex I just have a ton of doubt it went down the way she wrote…
Wow, this is a very shitty comment.
I assume you defend men with similar power/influence in the same way. “He can have anyone, so she must be a liar!”
I’ve always wondered how many actors and actresses had their careers ruined by Lorne. I’m surprised he didn’t have any Me Too stories come out about him but if you avoid hiring women, I guess you don’t get an opportunity to harass them.
I cannot believe you used this as a defense of her possible actions. Men have been using “I wouldn’t rape someone who looks like her” and “I’m too good looking to rape someone” as excuses for years. Looks of the alleged perpetrator and the victim don’t really matter when you’re a predator. It’s about controlling and…
Honestly, none of the Lorne Michaels stuff is that surprising to me but I’m really upset about the Amy Heckerling thing. :(
So he takes Davidson on a trip while being downright nasty to everyone else? Seems more like part of the “daddy” routine.
That’s Hulu’s intent. The people who make the show are making misery porn.
This is a pretty good encapsulation of why I didn’t return to this show after season one. Portraying horrifically repressive dystopias in novels or movies is one thing, because novels and movies have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Portraying them in an open-ended series starts to feel like using a highbrow excuse…
It’s like you don’t understand that the entire point of the show was to be misery porn. That’s clearly been it’s #1 intent from the beginning. It’s not surprising that it’s continuing to be the kind of show it was intended to be.
I wish someone would have thought to ask Kobe about this before it became clear this was made up. I would loved to have heard him confirm it.
Why not both?
Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.
You’re out of your mind putting Steve fucking Harvey in the same category as Pryor and Foxx. They are legends who will be remembered forever and discussed anytime someone mentions comedy, Steve is nowhere near that level.