Somehow I question the veracity of most things Necro says. He’s shown himself to be not the most trustworthy chronicler of past events.
Somehow I question the veracity of most things Necro says. He’s shown himself to be not the most trustworthy chronicler of past events.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Comment of the day (COTD)
Fear of pissing off the money/media machine.
You’d murder someone over an elevator?
Do you feel as though the show isn’t worth continuing on with because you see this as such a betrayal? I feel as though I was left with a cliffhanger but you seem to think it had a definite ending. Have you already made up your mind that ‘this is too far and the show is now tainted?’ If so, will you continue to review…
Because only poor people are rude, amirite?
Um. We don’t want him in Portland. How about SLC?