
“In a particularly creepy twist”

Curious what makes that more “particularly” creepy than ALLLLLLLLLLL the other people who they did manage to recruit? 

In the AAF, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The players who were suckered into wasting months of their life, and the owners who will somehow cash out and profit on an obvious disaster. These are their stories.

Nailed it!

Someone should ask him if he still feel like his white children shouldn’t have to sit next to brown and black children. Someone should ask him if he’s apologized to Anita Hill yet.

Right? As if Biden even needed a #MeToo moment of his own to be completely unelectable.

Yes, that is creepy, though one of the photos people are focusing on, and one of the defenses Splinter is attempting to shoot down here, has had the “creeper” moniker applied to it adamantly rejected by the woman in the photo.

It’s amazing that even if Biden got #MeToo’d, it still would only be the third worst thing about him.

I mean I can be mad at George Zimmerman being found innocent, hundreds of cops not facing any murder charges, and still think that Jussie was guilty and deserved jail time. It’s not all mutually exclusive.

I know she opened them because for professional emails, I use a tracking service, which shows how often they were opened; the service showed that Duca viewed every email multiple times from her iPhone, her Gmail account, and another mail client.

She tweeted some mean things about fat people years ago and didn’t get along with some of her co-workers at Huffington Post. (Which is now called HuffPost, but back when she was working there it was called Huffington Post, so the author thought it would be would be better to refer to HuffPost as Huffington Post

can anyone give a TLDR? I got about a third of the way through before I gave up looking for the thread

At this point I think we're down to R. Kelly, and that's only because he's waiting to see the judge.

How the hell are you ungreyed???

That’s if he was lying at the time, of course. Who is to say that THIS isn’t the lie meant to cover up a slip?

Wow. A player effectively banned from playing his sport in an entire country?! He must have REALLY disrespected their national anthem. 

I think he was clowning on the idea that white people might actually believe he grew up in Wakanda, not that we can’t speak Xhosa.

The literal article you are commenting contains a quote from the detective working the case describing how this specific massage parlor engaged in human trafficking.  

Why? Season already had a happy ending.