
If Disney knows what they’re doing (which they do), they are likely to “revive” these Netflix Marvel series on their own streaming service, they could pull in fans who want to see more seasons of Daredevil. I personally wouldn’t have bothered to subscribe to Disney’s service, but if they put out more Daredevil and

Can we stop using words like “controversial” to describe racist pedophiles?

Please do expand the list. Especially for readers like myself who need the references but don’t know where to start.

Interestingly, I have zero interest in the Fantastic Beasts story. 

milked as much as it can be

Cute comment, but irrelevant to how it’s actually done. Every novelist writes differently. Some plot out everything, some work completely in the dark and feel their way toward what feels like the right ending. GRRM’s plotting style is somewhere in the middle, where he roughs out the beginning and the end, has a few

George RR Martin is a great juggler. He comes out and tells the audience a fun story about how he got into juggling. His attire is that unlike anyone’s seen, and is dazzling to the eye. He teases his skills by starting out with just a couple balls and a bowling pin. He is almost balletic. But then he adds more items

Hard-nosed investigating, lol. You’re doing God’s work, AVClub

Trump is a piece of shit. He and his supporters should be reminded regularly and loudly.

Meanwhile, Chino Hills HS celebrated its blissfully LaVar-free year by winning the boys’ state basketball championship...

“’s primarily a moneymaking concern that exchanges diplomas for sports service...”

I’m not going to say LaVar Ball is a bad dad, but LaVar Ball is a terrible dad.

As he gets more into his 40s you’ll probably see progressively more ridiculous stunts like this on a yearly basis as he does whatever he can do to not be broke for another few months.

Two people who have no reason to and can’t afford to lose will be fighting New Year’s Eve, with, as far as one can tell, not nearly enough on the line to make it worth their while.

Maybe Floyd didn’t read the contract 

“Space,” it says, “is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space, listen…” – Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

Um...They tried that shit in the Prequels, you didn’t like it.