
Scarlett Johansson would be PERFECT to play Karula, right?

I hear Scarlett Johansson and Emma Stone are interested in parts. . .

There’s literally only one character of Asian descent in the whole series (that I know of; I’ve only read a bit of the manga), and I still wouldn’t be surprised if the studio found an excuse for why Mikasa must be played by Scarlett Johansson.

WWE is working to appease the Saudis because they know a little something about the Bonesaw used in this particular case.

A lot of times when I see a person who’s much shorter than me, I think, “I wonder how many of that person I could take on in a fight and hold my own.” This is usually something I think about at my 6-year old’s soccer games.

It’s like when you find out Brick from Anchorman went on to work in the Bush administration.

yeah, thats why its not as funny,now. Not because people have gotten too pc, but because now it just feels like salt in an open wound.

The outrage fire needs fuel.

The problem is the Michael Scotts of the world have taken over.

I gotta say, respect to the Madden curse for really upping its fucking game. No resting on laurels there. 

Now playing

I have always and will always love the Crüe.

It’s way past time we acknowledge that accusing Muslims of terrorism is essentially blood libel. It’s the go-to justification for individual and mass violence against Muslims, so if you’re going around wildly accusing you should be able to count on getting your ass kicked.

Khabib should not have jumped over the cage to attack Conor’s BJJ guy who was spouting verbal garbage at him throughout his big moment. He should indeed be penalized.

There are 100%, without a fucking doubt, McGregor fans (not all, but for sure some) who are indulging in white power fantasy with him. The brash, swag, shit taking white guy comes in and insults (usually racially) and beats up brown people? They fucking love it.

They would need to win before they could pick up a defeated opponent.

Connor and White seemed to be the only ones not picking up on the fact that Khabib was not fucking playing. Connor comes out like a cartoon villain, insulting Khabib’s family, manager, culture and religion, he throws a fake fucking kick at the weigh in and Khabib does nothing. Because you know where he’s from it’s not

I honestly can’t read anyone praising McGregor for anything—and I have relatives who adore him—without wondering how they’d feel about him if his skin was a few shades darker.

So like, the Venn diagram of people who still like McGregor and MAGA chuds is a single overlapping circle, right?

yes i am joking

I am real and valid”