
The Colts had #1 and #2 overall in 1991.  They picked Steve Emtmann and Quentin Coryatt.  Multiple championships ensued.

I've wondered the same thing myself. I'm involved in a few online communities, mostly game related and I've come across a few furries in the past. I have also wondered why the single predominant art style is that "How to Draw Cartoon Characters" book for sale at your local Scholastic book fair circa 1997.

Big Ben sucks and I'm excited to see what Maya Rudolph can do in a new role 

Mr. Ped 

Lawrence really should be careful. Things like that can have repercussions later on in life.

“Does he have his vendor permit?”

This is going to be hardest on Bristol, Track, Twig, Smock, Groot, Krunk, Willow, Slider, Stub, Twiddle, Piper, Fluff, Carat, Keg, Snuggle, Bop, Rice and Spoit.

I was in New Mexico this past weekend. This is a near-perfect add for New Mexico voters. At least one of the elements (twangy country, military family history, or fast-driving of a souped up Dodge Charger) appeals to 95% of the constituency there. If she had exited the car eating a bowl of hatch green chile, it would

His head just wasn’t in it. 

It’s too bad. Brown seemed to really want to be on the Raiders, but ultimately he just got cold feet.

Another ideological’s wrong to say someone is deserving of tragic circumstances just because you disagree with their words or actions. Especially, if those actions had zilch to do with you personally. 

Now if you were hit by an eighteen wheeler after posting this comment, that would be karma.     

Something Robert Kraft pays $60 for?

Go cry to Kafka, fuckface”.

Fuck boomers, they’re singlehandedly responsible for the mass exodus of “Made in America” and then in their senile, milkshake and bagel dementia turn around and cry about how manufacturing left the US. Fucking cancers. The faster boomers die the better. Fuck those shitstains

Shocking. I always figured guys who bought Dodge Demons were totally zen and would only go to tracks after journaling their feelings and embracing their inner children, and then only to help others there self-actualize their potential. This comes as a great surprise.

Reds: [dramatic pause] I’m all in. [dramatically pushes chips forward]

It’s even better if you mix up the letters. ‘This Nate Peterman Is Growing On Me’ in an anagram for ‘Warmongering Penis Neath Some Tit’

I treat every trip to Walmart like a raid - you get in, do violence on the objective and get the fuck out, you stick to the list, don’t make eye contact and do your best to ignore the fat fucktard with the Glock on his hip in frozen foods.