
I can already see the weirdos drowning their puppies to own the libs like they did with {checks notes} “Yeti coolers, Diet Coke, French Fries, Mark Ham-  oops {drops notes on the ground, paper unrolls for 60 ft. - comedically - like a Monty Python skit} 

Wow, I never expected to hear “My opponent hates puppies” as a statement of fact instead of a hyperbolic joke.

LOL, true. Even “hardcore” Biden supporters are too busy listening to NPR tell them how their investments are doing every top of the hour.

Love & Law

Honestly they send this kid to prison and he’s just going to come out with more skills. They need to partner him with a no nonsense FBI agent and point him at all them fake corporate “charities” like the Trump foundation.

A former friend of mine decided, after Trump won in 2016 (and after having a lot of friends turn their back on him when he decided to go full-racist, One America News, Trump-fellating jackass) did the whole “I’m sick of these liberals and their taxes! We’re moving to Texas!” and left California for ‘greener pastures’.

Yeah, had I been in that situation, I probably noticed the giant signage and all the traffic coming from the left; I don’t think I would have seen the pit-lane and said, “Hey, maybe I can park over here!”

Jason Whitlock is that one turd that will never flush in the toilet.

Actual best case: he lingers until the early hours of November 4. I’d hate for him to die, and disaffected Republicans horrified by him vote for Pence instead. Lose, then die. Much better option. 

It took hard, stupid, active effort to be a shittier paper than the Tribune Review.

Her potato face is starting to form. She’ll be cycled out soon.

Notice anything about this picture? Yeah, you notice.


Ben Shapiro was the know-it-all in school who didn’t know it all, and who mostly won arguments through attrition. And also he wouldn’t stop kicking the back of my chair! That’s right, I’m calling you out, Gary! /goes all foamy-mouthed, strangles monitor, gets dragged away by orderlies

I’d put her in the ‘first to arrive at a PTA meeting, but didn’t bring any snacks because that would be socialism’ category myself.

If you call into a right wing talk radio station and claim to be a black Republican, they will give you at least 2 minutes of airtime to say whatever you want.  

“She says I didn’t live in my apartment building because majority of people who live there are white,” Rashad says in a screen captured message.


“You, uh... you don’t pay me.”