Umpire Tosses Dick Who Argued Balls And Strikes; Tossed Ball Strikes Umpire’s Dick And Balls
Umpire Tosses Dick Who Argued Balls And Strikes; Tossed Ball Strikes Umpire’s Dick And Balls
Annoy people trying to get decent results out of a Google Image Search, I find.
I applaud the Shakespearean level of disrespectful revenge you’ve plotted. Well done!
He has touted his law-enforcement experience repeatedly during his political career, though he was never a sworn officer while he worked for El Mirage.
You, alright! We learned it by watching you, Turtle-Dad!
He couldn’t pick Barron out of a lineup of six kids, 5 of which are Black.
Shout out to the ref for bumping the leg as he casually stepped over Nurkic.
Thanks for calling my grandmother famous.
Yea the doc doesn’t do anything to take away from her ‘spooky eyes’ thing....including these tight face shots where she is doing her pitches in a white room.
You can literally see the entirety of the lights refracting in those gigantic eyeballs of hers like she is some kind of crazed real life anime or that fucking…
Here’s how my day on Splinter News went today;
This is apt in that Beto is the girl the ex used to have no problem with, thought was cool even, until you went on a date with her. Now she’s the devil incarnate.
Splinter is starting to read like the diary of an angry ex-girlfriend.
The one on the left looks like someone starved the shit out of Tilda Swinton, and the one on the right has spotted a homeless man and is about to drink his blood so she can live until the next full moon.
Is this from the Dark Crystal sequel?
Ain’t it the truth? “I don’t even own a TV” just doesn’t work as well as it used to.
Whilst I totally tired of the game after a while (not a slight on it, just don’t like doing the same thing much too often) I feel like this a bit misses the point (or missed the point of what was fun for me).
Anything that 1999-era The Rock would have worn is good enough for Desean.
If anyone can purposefully drop the ball during a big event, it’s Desean.
I suddenly have a huge desire to see this kind of play legal. Break their stick with a slash? Definite penalty. Launch their stick into the rafters and send that little t-shirt blimp crashing onto the ice? GAME ON.