
this is a fantastic comparison.  Bravo.

the correct answer is always: Kid Rock has a tiny dick.

So I had no idea who this woman is and googled her. Holy horse face, Batman! It’s like her and Pippen are in a contest to be the mascot of the Kentucky Derby.

Me too.  I’ve spent my entire life thinking it was Sam the Eagle.  Now I feel like everything’s a lie!

FFS, does this dumpster-fire bitch ever look in a mirror before going on TV?  Who the hell dresses this woman, and gives her those wretched hair styles?  She really is the human embodiment of Ms. Piggy.

Thank you for referencing the moment when the Pittsburgh Penguins forever pissed in Mike Milbury’s Wheaties.  

Goddamit, I wish I had a thousand stars for this comment.

It is definitely a bright spot in my day as well.

This comment is brilliant.

Why is it so hard for the MAGAtard crowd to grasp that nobody is saying people shouldn’t earn a lot of money?  We’re simply saying they should pay their fair fucking share once they get there!  Forfucksakes, when this country was at its most prosperous, the top marginal tax rate was 91%!

How can anybody honestly expect to be taken seriously while wearing those ridiculous hats?  I don’t give a rats ass if it is tradition.  When you look like a fucking clown, you should expect to be taken as a clown.

This is a thing of beauty.

Hey look!  The bitch-ass flight attendant from the story has a Kinja account!

It is the writers fault for ignoring all the norms of the first 6 seasons and turning the show into a shitty Syfy series though, that’s for sure.  

This broad gives a whole new meaning to “rode hard and put away wet.”  This just further proves that being an evil racist ages you in dog years.

Does he have to put one of those striped tube socks on his stump then to truly sell the 80s nostagia?

Unless you just cut all the ligaments at the knee.  But Jesus H. Christ who would know how to do that at the exact right place without a medical degree?

Goddamn these 3 comments are glorious.

At least yours was bubble gum. I feel into a vat of toxic chemicals and came out with bright green hair, a disfigured smile, and an obsession with a masked vigilante

Sorry, chooch, but you were the one that immediately called this incident a representation of “black culture.”  So YOU were the one slinging racism, you fucking MAGAtard white trash sack of shit.  So go eat a bag of dicks in between your shifts working the counter at Chik-fil-A.