
The letter was signed:

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, there aren’t enough good Tata’s in Atlanta

Grantland was my favorite kinja blog.

In so many ways, a very disappointing bear

not a good or chill bear

ok but where’s the article about his incredible grip strength you filthy millennial?

Worst Bear Friday ever.

Honestly I don't think Indiana would make my list of the handful of worst states I can think of.

We have an extremely elegant and luxurious Foodspin plan. It’s gonna be tremendous.

Few classes of people in this world are as batshittedly convinced of their own influence and importance than college newspapers nerds and jesus fuck I miss that world so goddamn much I’m 32 and my DEEP AND IMPORTANT COLLEGE NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE made me a legal editor in a hidden kingdom of batshit crazy conservative

If he’d spiked him, would the penalty be for excessive celebration or unnecessary roughness?

Which is more insufferable - Smug Patriot fans after Jeanine Garafolo goes 4-0? Or whiny victim Patriot fans after he goes 0-4?

Who the hell considers Bugs Bunny inferior to Mickey Mouse? I don’t think I’ve ever heard or read anyone, anywhere, espouse that terrible take.

Adnan fuckin’ did it.

Because they keep losing!

Lando Cali-risingagain oh Jesus, I’m so sorry, this sounded so much better in my head

Well, looks like it’s time to reset the “Days Since We Shit on the MLS” incident counter.

Kinja gave me the option of asking for a followup, so this is what I’m doing.

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

Now playing

very good SNL sketch about this phenomenon: