
What if Odie married Garfield?

I didn’t witness this firsthand, but a girl I know claims that Matt Stafford accidentally spilled an entire pitcher of beer on her at a party at UGA. In lieu of an apology, he calmly explained, “Hey, it’s okay. I’m Matt Stafford,” then walked away.

I stayed at a hotel in San Antonio when the Suns were playing the Spurs in the playoffs. The night before the game I was in the hotel bar, and Mike Breen, Jon Barry and Jeff Van Gundy,were who was televising the game for ESPN, were at the other table. Van Gundy got a phone call, and he just started yelling into the

Shot in the middle of an intersection in broad fucking daylight while trying to apologize. This is a scary country we live in.

This is the society we keep opting for. The society we keep promoting through our choice of elected officials.

By Indiana football standards he’s had two great seasons in a row.

Reports are that Wilson was red-faced, yet stoic and just floated off into oblivion.

Every dumbfuck fan who calls into sports radio shows thinks that their MLB or NFL team would be better-off if it were managed by a fan or an industry outsider.

Wow, trump really is returning all these jobs that immigrants stole back to americans.

Nah. Oppose and resist everything. Cooperating with this administration legitimizes it.

Raise your hand if you’re also going to get caught in awkward Thanksgiving dinner conversations!

Well, by “didn’t react strongly enough”, she meant that instead of starting to pay her the amount of attention she wanted, he was just being a selfish asshole, rolling on the ground and screaming “FUCK FUCK GODAMNIT IT HURTS!!!!!” Kept it all about himself, he did!

She was probably just trying to make TE.

It was even more painful when she added the flavor packet.

Huh. Not the usual kind of hot water we see college athletes getting themselves into these days.

What you don’t see is that they had to pause midway through his rant, because the members of the press started chanting “STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE”

Can you imagine the flaming hot takes if a team refused to go? It’d be amazing.