
If Donald Trump won the election by any margin, what percentage of your mind would think that it was rigged? I am somewhat convinced that this is the only possibility of a DJT win

Best part about being a writer?

I honestly can’t tell if you’re a PFTCommenter level troll.

*begins frantically searching for online misconduct by Diego Costa to report to the FA*

Drew - have you considered going on Cutthroat Kitchen? Way superior to Chopped IMO

Hey! I’ve never met you,

I would surmise that this is the first legitimate reason for neutral fans to hate this year’s iteration of the Cubs. Until now, the only reason I can think of (again, for neutral fans) is the unearned smugness of Cubs fans. So thanks, Mr. Ricketts!

Insofar as it is possible to feel bad for a world-class striker at one of the world’s biggest clubs who is handsome and wildly successful, I felt bad for Cavani after his game against Arsenal (a team I support!), and was glad to see him knock in 4 today. The human condition is weird

As someone who grew up in Indiana, I can vouch that it is not among the worst. I’m biased, but I’m also knowledgeable about Indiana. People are nice there, except for the whole RFRA fiasco, and they were smart enough to make Pence the whole country’s problem!

To me, this is a scalding hot take.

and Chili!

You only get one fast food restaurant to eat for the rest of your life, what do you choose, GO!

Are you more likely to (a) drink a diet soda or (b) smoke mary jane?

Are people still Pokemon Go-ing? Just me?

As an out-of-market NFL fan, what level of moral culpability should I feel for springing for Sunday Ticket, knowing that I am contributing to the problem (the existence of the NFL)?

The problem is we, the fans. The cognitive dissonance that occurs every time I watch football is commonplace. I *know* that what I am watching is reprehensible and will shorten actual human lives, and yet, I still am tuning in every Sunday. Nothing matters until we stop watching and actual NFL profits are affected.

What are the worse sports commentators? Last night’s college football brought with it a stark reminder that college football commentators generally suck

That’s why we have the 2nd Amendment! “A well regulated Militia...”

After two weeks of fixtures, and *gasp* Arsenal spending on Mustafi & Perez, predictions for the EPL top 4?