
I saw that - I think I was trying to say it’s not typically the first go to treatment (though SG may not have the insurance loopholes that we mere mortals must jump through and so may not be limited to typical treatment protocols that seem to result in extremely slow progress in terms of aggressive treatment).

I had wondered if it wasn’t a more aggressive treatment for a more severe form of the disease.

I was on an antimalarial too for my auto-immune disease. I told my dad what I was taking and he was like “oh, yeah, that’s what I take when I go to Africa for work”.

Thanks for the info - now I’ll have to go look up the Cyclophosphamide - auto-immune diseases are such interesting and terrible and very individual diseases.

OMG someone called her fat? Bitches need slaps.

Insurance is wack, period. Like, shouldn’t it be the doctor who approves the drug not the insurance? (Um, yeah, I think so, they’re the one’s with the medical degree).

Haha yeah - the diet responses crack me up and infuriate me all at the same time (if you just stop eating gluten and sugar and subsist on raw vegetables you’ll magically be all better; your gut bacteria is out of wack, here take this magic pill). Some people have no grounding in reality and simply won’t understand

I didn’t know about the kidney issues too - though there may be other similar drugs that don’t affect the kidney’s as much.

Yes thank you - just because something “can be disfiguring” doesn’t mean all people who suffer from it have obvious physical signs of the disease. I hate this: “You don’t look sick so you must not be” shit - fuck you you don’t know my life (not you, specifically, just the deniers). And shit, most people I know with

Fellow spoonie - I wrote a longer post down below, but my understanding is that mtx isn’t even generally prescribed for lupus (though doctor’s prescribe off label all the time) and typically not at the levels that the typical layman would quantify as “chemo” - here’s a helpful thing I found:

That just confirms what was already stated - chemotherapy drugs (I’ll use methotrexate as an example here, since that’s what I’m familiary with) are used, in much lower doses , to treat auto-immune diseases such as lupus, RA, PsA, crohn’s, etc. - however, it’s not generally (as far as I’m aware) taken to the extent

Yes, it’s a “they has to figure it out theirself” thing - because otherwise you’ll be the one who broke them up. My totally unqualified advice: Do your best to be there for your friend, build them up as you can, and be supportive if/when it all comes crashing down without doing the “I knew your spouse was a bad person

Going back never seems to work out well from my observations :P Well wishes to your post-breakup recovery from a random internet stranger :)

I’m right there with you. My biggest problem is that I get frustrated and annoyed when I don’t get the help I need and resultingly feel “unloved” or taken for granted. I might should share this with my current partner.

We’re *almost* twinsies with the scores (and I have a pretty decent guess what my partner’s scores

We had to go buy a suit for the gf this past weekend because she’s in a wedding as a genderbent bridesmaid (and doesn’t wear dresses, mostly ever) in two weeks. Found one okay-ish suit from CK, but then stopped by the Limited - they were having a 50% off sale so she got a fairly nice jacket + pants for way less than

This is perfect, actually :) I’m just an amateur in the kitchen (though I do manage to whip up some super tasty foods on the reg) and this works out great - enough deets to tell me what I’m doing, but also room to play with things a little. I shall try this out soon, maybe when the MIL is visiting later this month! :)


I made this lovely pulled pork, with it’s own sauce made out of root beer. It’s pretty great. There’s a gillion recipes out there and I honestly don’t remember where I got it from, but I throw a pork roast into the slow cooker after browning it with some rootbeer than cook up the

Ok, I seriously need this recipe because that looks amazeballs. Mius the brussels sprouts (we really don’t do those here) but I’m sure I could substitute a different veggie.

Spend your first wedding anniversary planning a do-over for like your 5th. And don’t invite anyone who causes drama (or just do the two of you and your best buds). Then your wedding anniversary can be about looking forward, instead of remembering the awfulness that was? And after the 5th one you can have that one. OR,

There’s a possibility those sisters may not want to be forced in by their mother - just a thought. Maybe have them do something like hand out the bird seed to throw or programs or something that involves them, but not directly in the ceremony?

About the photos - I’ve had many a friend do a separate shoot either before