
I keep wondering what it’s like to have a “normal” family - then I read things like this and the comments and I wonder if anyone has a “normal” family (in that parents give a shit about their kids and don’t create drama). I don’t have it nearly as bad as anything I’ve read here and the thoughts of dealing with wedding

Honestly, this is what I want - Just the thought of having to deal with who to invite from my family gives me a mild anxiety attack and puts me off my lunch and I haven’t even proposed yet (planning stages, all fun times but the thought of the actual ceremony and the people, ugh). I just don’t want to deal with

Eh, yeah I get that - but other than this one annoyance it really is the best relationship I’ve ever had (not sure what that says, but to be honest all previous relationships have been really bad, so... this is a vast improvement). And to be fair - she’s still learning how best to adult (she’s not that young, but

I had an unreasonably high amount of anxiety relating to misdeeds as a child - for example: once I accidentally singed a pair of really nice winter socks trying to dry them out by the fire. Result: I hid under my bed and cried hysterically. (Can’t remember, really, what, if any, punishment I received). Losing things

How timely - I just had a bicker with my gf before bed last night because she couldn’t find her sleeping-shorts (which she throws on the floor with the rest of the clothes; omg don’t get me started). Apparently, I keep “hiding them” with the dog bed. *rolls eyes* She says it accusingly, I get defensive and tease her

I have to watch the amount of raw spinach I eat but I might try something like that (minus the sriracha) - need to find a bread alternative at our grocery to swap out for the English Muffins every now and again too.

We are a breakfast sandwich every morning type - I need to work on getting more veggies added though.

Give up. I tried to make sure my immediate family stayed in touch after my parents divorced (all us kids were already adults, so there’s that), but meh. After a while being the one to make calls and never get them in return (or get them returned at all), to send gifts to nieces/nephews and never even receive

I just had to log in and say - I get what your saying and know you’re coming from a good place dude. Also I kind of agree, in that I don’t think anyone should alter their appearance to please others or cultural ideas of beauty because that shit’s wack; but also people are free to do what they want with their bodies

I’m really surprised I’ve never seen mention of Republic Wireless on lifehacker - it seems like something that would be fitting to the site.

This is not an improvement story; rather it is a story warning people to be’ware the wrath of the cat.

If you don’t use a lot of data, check out Republic Wireless (I think they mostly use Sprint towers, but I’ve never had a problem with service - but then I checked their service map to make sure I’d be good before going with them). So cheap, and if you don’t use a lot of data and offload to wifi it can be way cheap.

Republic Wireless ftw. Of course, I don’t use my phone constantly - it’s mostly used as a phone, for texting, navigation, and the occasional “oh shit the car broke down” web surf for the nearest mechanic when I’m not at home (i.e. not on WiFi). Some people are really upset with their plan changes, but I love it - I

Yes, that was pretty hilarious (and somehow they made it not seem squicky).

So long as the terrible is done right, it’s never terrible. I love kitsch when it’s self-aware. (EX: Absolutely adored Kill la Kill even though it was about 90% fan service).

Meh, fairly strong stomach. I grew up on bad horror flicks. ;)

I honestly can’t decide if I’m going to go home and have pancakes and watch this terrible movie or not. (Probably).

what is this horrible movie?

As ThirdAmendmentMan stated it probably refers to WASPS - for example where I live the richer neighborhoods have some mega-church or another about every other block. Thus Christian neighborhood. Rich white Christians obviously need their faux coffee every morning from the Starbucks or they’re given a demerit. Too many

Ugh yes, this. It’s really sad when they think they’re doing what they’re supposed to and they’re getting terrible advice/training themselves.