
This is how we shop - we make a list over the course of the week, plan out our dinners for the week before going to the store, and generally try to avoid the center aisles as much as possible (honestly, most of our groceries each week are vegetables). Except now they’re rearranging our store! And have gotten rid of

That’s totally fair! Though if you decide you like yoga after trying some at home stuff, just popping into a beginner class here in there could be helpful (especially if you have a question about a pose or something) :D

Yoga with Adrienne (youtube) is pretty good - but really, just search “beginner yoga” and try out a few different people til’ you find one you like. There are, however, many benefits if going to a class - the first being the companionship that a class gives (we’re friends with many of our fellow yoga students at our

Pretty much how I feel about 90% of LH’s financial advice articles.

My brother bought me a vape when they started to get popular (he’s very much the go with the trends and get sucked into the hobby of it type of person) - I tried it, mostly out of curiosity and figured it’d be a bonus if it got me off cigarettes. All it seemed to do was kick-start my asthma (which is generally not a

The beauty of human diversity. I’m the opposite due to a glycerin allergy (especially when derived from petroleum) - so the natural gunk tends to be better for me.

Wow - didn’t realize it was quite that powerful of an anti-inflammatory! Thanks for the info :)

Hello & thanks for the Q&A. I had a question about inflammation. I’ve read that medical marijuana can help combat inflammation as well as help with pain (I’m a sufferer of psoriatic arthritis, and have unfortunate reactions to most OTC and RX NSAIDs and pain medications, so I’m hopeful some day I’ll live somewhere

This would have made a better article.

I’d suggest an Aeropress or a French press - they’re really no more time consuming that an automatic coffee maker and generally cheaper and longer lasting.

I’d suggest an Aeropress or a French press - they’re really no more time consuming that an automatic coffee maker

Wrong. A person doesn’t owe you an explanation for why they’re not interested. The fact that they’re not interested should be enough.

This is not to say that providing a reason wouldn’t be nice, or helpful. Just that people do not owe you a reason for saying no to a date or romantic overture.

The reversed hangar system can be useful. Basically, you take all of your hangars and turn them around. When you wear something and return it to your closet you turn it back the right way around. At the end of the year/season [or other self-determined time-line depending on how you do things] get rid of [donate, for

Everyone bitches about Win 10 - but we upgraded both our computers, and other than the initial hassle of getting things set up the way we wanted (and turning off fracking Cortana, the bitch, and that stupid three finger gesture move on my laptop that gave me aneurysms) everything’s fine. In fact, our media machine

I have to say, living 600+ miles from all of my family is kind of a relief. My parents divorced about 7 years ago (all us kids were adults), my mom moved even further away, my dad remarried (pretty quickly, actually) and doesn’t seem to want anything much to do with all of us anymore (last time we had an actual phone

Also if you have allergies of any kind the Claritin pillow is the bomb. It’s kind of like having a brand new down pillow all the time (we’ve had ours for months, and while they’ve “relaxed” a little, they haven’t developed that squishy flatness that happens to real down) without the down trying to suffocate you in

Seconding the Claritin pillow suggestion. They the best. I discovered a few months ago that our new down pillows were trying to kill me (for some reason I suddenly became allergic to them and started waking up in the middle of the night unable to breathe). Bought us some Claritin pillows and OMG. BEST. PILLOW. EVER. I

Now playing

This reminds me of a video on my FB feed the other day that explained the difference between empathy and sympathy - very powerful for people who don’t understand how the statements about what you should be “thankful for” are not helpful.

Welp I just read about all the changes - looks like everything I come here to read is going going gone. So. That’s disappointing.

No, getting up to pee a lot at night (or even just more than once) is not normal - if you’re a dude get your prostate checked - and you might need to do a fasting-glucose test (excessive urination is one symptom of diabetes). Or it could be a bladder issue which may be anything from super serious to mildly problematic

It might be a circadian rhythm sleep disorder (check the wikipedia page for info). Basically your internal body-clock isn’t “set” to the times needed for the usual humdrum work schedule. There are several methods you can use at home to try to “reset” your circadian clock that don’t require Melatonin (doesn’t work for