No joke, the cropped version of the dress at the top of this article is the first time I’ve automatically seen it as the “correct” way, which is blue and black. I always see it white and gold normally.
No joke, the cropped version of the dress at the top of this article is the first time I’ve automatically seen it as the “correct” way, which is blue and black. I always see it white and gold normally.
Even though I think it’s reasonable to call this close of a loss a success, never forget how adept democrats are at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Why are all of his statements couched in the most ridiculous superlatives? WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT YOUR SHITTY CHOCOLATE CAKE OR HOW BIG IT WAS!!!!
Oh my fuck. This guy is our president. Our PRESIDENT. We’re so screwed.
I don’t know. I don’t think it distracts from the truly evil shit they do, it just serves as a reminder of the difficulty the most powerful man in the country has forming a coherent sentence.
And why just a factor of five? Why stop there? Why not 10 or 20? What is that scale based on? What do words/numbers mean anymore?!?
Well, at least he remembered how big the cake was. The devil is in the details, you know?
So there’s been much more written about this in the past month or two that isn’t being captured here, to the point where I’d say Aimee is misframing this issue. The Bull statue was created following the stock market crash and recovery in the late 80s, as a tribute to the American economy’s resilience and spirit. The…
“Please read this thread by my coworker Kara Brown and see if you laugh as hard as I did last night.”
I think I read in some biography of hers that she was well aware that LBJ had the hots for her and she got a kick out of fucking with him.
She’s nice looking but I always get this creepy, evil vibe from her. She has a witch look that no one else sees.
My ex had the word SLUT tattooed in the tramp stamp area and tbh it was hilarious and at this time the only thing I still like about him.
“It’s pretty cute”
Hoping for Hillary to take Trump’s seat, with a POTUS In Vote Margin Only badge.
Exactly what I thought. Or malformation due to years of wearing poorly fitting high heels.
I just had a nightmare/welcome dream that some serious House of Cards shit goes down and we wind up with Barbara Bush (the elder) as President who visits former President Trump in the hospital and greets Melania with a smile and sympathies before walking over to the bed, kneeling down as if to pray over him and…
Jenna Bush is bad on Today but I am more offended by her roving editor (or whateverthefuck) “columns” in Southern Living. Southern Living is like my Bible, and when Jenna says shit like, “I like to wear shorts in summer because it’s hot,” I want to commit murder.