What I don’t get is how this woman claims getting the bike “changed her.” There is no visible way in which she has changed over the year. She was already thin and toned. I guess she just gets up earlier now?
What I don’t get is how this woman claims getting the bike “changed her.” There is no visible way in which she has changed over the year. She was already thin and toned. I guess she just gets up earlier now?
Doolittle isn’t just the very best of the Nationals. He’s the best of baseball. We need a thousand more players like him.
You forgot Sean Doolittle, who is the very best of the Nationals. Doo is the best. He had the guts to state publicly why he wasn’t going. And he and his wife walk the walk and talk the talk in community activism. They hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Syrian refugees and got the community involved, when he was with…
Jezspin forever
Yes, there will be a hay-wagon ride at midnight.
This is where I want a bus to appear from one side of the picture. Not kill them mind you, just maybe splash a huge puddle of dirty icy water.
The bride’s seamstress clearly hated her based on how thar dress fits.
This picture will appear in a history book one day with the caption “White Suprematist Wedding.”
Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its…
Why the fuck is the groom handling a rifle at his own wedding? Isn’t that in violation of a USMC code or ten?
Very Fancy
That Lance Corporal is disgracing the uniform (and himself for that matter).
Nope, not a cult at all.
Jesus, Id rather join ISIS than go to that wedding.
This will age well. That bride will have to defend these pictures until her brother leaves her for the thick cousin on the left.
Can’t wait until that bride attempts to get a job in any American city larger than 100,000 people and the hiring manager(s) Google her. Or anywhere in say, 2 years.
Aw hell naw
What the hell, people‽
Man, I love people who self-own through being hilariously inept. You know, pumpkin thieves, thin-skinned vulture capitalist owners of blog sites, those kinds of folks.