That’s cool I cut my hand on my plastic starbucks lid and bled all over my khakis.
That’s cool I cut my hand on my plastic starbucks lid and bled all over my khakis.
If you think this will deter Ernie from his goal of the 8th playoff spot in the east, you are sorely mistaken.
Trey Wingo is 100% the name of an offensive play drawn up by my a-hole high school football coach.
She says heavy cream but you know she substituted mayonnaise.
se7en: a horror movie about the Pats winning their seventh championship and giving their gluttonous fucking fanbase another reason to vomit takes about THA GRAYTESSS FRANCHIZE EVAHHHHHH
Magic running an offense: Showtime!
“They traded assets for a player they could have drafted and cleared cap space to sign free agents that won’t come now. Great trade for the Knicks! A+” - Ernie Grunfeld
to be honest, Bartolo looks pretty good in a Padres uni
Not sure that’s a heckle as much as a “hey we’re in this dystopian nightmare together and also one of us is probably being targeted for assassination by our home government so fuck this let them pay us to be millionaire cheerleaders”.
thank you for not “firing up the trade machine”
What’s funny is how Russ passes up open teammates so he can take and miss mid-range jumpers.
Man I can’t imagine a worse fast food experience than this.
extremely here for all the warriors have broken the game hot taeks
wear that chant like a fucking badge of honor
BREAKING: Old Fleshy White Dude Has Opinions About Women He Physically Repulses
Finally, a Wetteland that the Trump administration will try to save.
Eating take out fast food to own the libs.
Every single hot taek ever should end with:
I really want to make fun of her with some doofus recycled twitterism like OOH SHE HAVIN A NORMAL ONE! but in reality it seems like she might have some mental health issues and needs help.
If I was Fox I would have come harder with something like, “AND THAT’S WHY TRADITIONAL CENTERS HAVE NO PLACE IN THE MODERN NBA!”