I’ve been in a similar situation. A heartbreaking miscarriage that would not expel naturally or with medication. Without a D&C, I would have died from sepsis.
I’ve been in a similar situation. A heartbreaking miscarriage that would not expel naturally or with medication. Without a D&C, I would have died from sepsis.
Thanks. My ex and I were excited to be parents, even though this was not planned; finding out that the pregnancy she was carrying would have to be terminated gutted us.
It’s a veritable clown car of douchelords and asshats.
The much-fabled blue people! “I don’t care if you’re white or brown or blue!”
What could go wrong?
Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.
This is what happens when the government funds anti-abortion facilities that blatantly disguise themselves as health centers. There are more of these “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” in the U.S. than abortion providers, and states in the Midwest and South are saturated with them. (Check out this mini documentary from Vice…
Sorry, but that’s all the more reason for me to be disappointed by her softball condemnation of blatant, life-ruining homophobia.
When she chooses to avoid the occasional politicization of her talkshow even though doing so could actually help people? Yeah. Really.
Absolutely. And please note that I am certainly not advocating prescription drugs over cannabis; I’d be cautious in both cases. And point taken about federal versus state prohibition: this is very true.
Indeed we should be working toward those goals. But often, especially in the case of medications, we are balancing treating symptoms or ailments against the negative risks and side effects of the medications. There’s no guarantee that the benefits will ever fully outweigh the risks, but for many symptoms, medical…
Again, I just said a “tone” and I reacted to your post, but also pointed out that it’s not just you.
When I was pregnant with my 2nd a year ago I was curious about this and looked up the studies myself. Generally the consensus is a whole lot of ‘not sure’ and studies did not look at women who only did a LITTLE (studies usually go with women who toked over a certain amount, much like caffeine-in-pregnancy studies;…
THANK GOD. I’m preggo in Texo and this shit actually affects me, right now, as we speak. I very much want to give birth to a healthy child but if I miscarried, I would not hold a funeral. That this governor would force me to have a burial is unconscionable. I’m a white, married, wealthy voter having planned children.…
I liked this article a lot more than I enjoyed Love Actually.
Too many young liberals, mostly male in my experience, do not think abortion access is a big deal. They don’t care. They don’t think it’s a serious issue. I mean Bernie Sanders himself claimed it was a distraction. I’ve got a big hearty fuck you to all those people.